SortPhotos takes a folder and renames the photos with ascending numbers corresponding to the date they were taken. It does allow to shift the dates in case one of the cameras has the wrong date/time. However, internally the date is not changed, it is only shifted for the purpose to correctly rename them with ascending numbers. The use is on the full responsability of the user. I do not take any responsability for the consequences following from using or downloading this script.
Maintainer: Severino Adler
- Python3
- python modules: exifread, argeparse, numpy, fnmatch
Copy all photos into a you want to rename into a new directory so so the originals do not get changed and accidentally overwritten
Run the script from the folder above and give the album folder as input:
$ python3 <path to> folder_path --> to run the basic script
$ python3 <path to> --help --> for help
$ python3 <path to> folder_path --info --> to obtain basic information about the folder instead of reordering