A seamless Django-like admin panel setup for Laravel. Simple, non-cms table manager for admins.
- Require the Package
Run the following command to install the package into your Laravel application:
composer require advaith/seamless-admin
- Publish assets and config files with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Advaith\SeamlessAdmin\SeamlessAdminServiceProvider"
This will create a seamless.php
configuration file within your config folder. This will also publish all the assets
related to this package.
Note: If you find the UI or the admin functionalities are not working properly after a composer update
, run this
command again with the flag --tag="assets"
to republish the assets. This will override the existing assets with the
new ones.
Use the provided trait, SeamlessAdmin
, in any of your models to get started with the package. Example:
namespace App\Models;
use Advaith\SeamlessAdmin\Traits\SeamlessAdmin;
class Post extends Model
use SeamlessAdmin;
Et Voila! That's all you have to do to get started. Visit /admin
to access the admin dashboard after logging in.
: Change the prefix of the admin routes. However, this will not change the name of the route. By default,/admin
will be used as the prefixapi_prefix
: Change the prefix for api routes.middleware
: Global middleware for the admin routes. By default, the auth middleware is set.api_middleware
: Middleware group for api routes.layout
: You can customize the layout that the admin pages use by changing this option. Make sure that you yield appropriately to include dynamic contents.
All the model specific configuration should go inside the respective model file.
public bool $hasAdminPage
: Set this tofalse
to prevent the model from showing up on the admin page. Advantage of using this instead of removing the trait from the model is when other models try to check for foreign keys this will be used as a hint to fetch other columns. -
public string $adminIcon
: We use feathericons as the icon provider. Type in the name of the icon you want to use. -
public string $adminGroup
: Add a value to change the group in which the model should be displayed in the sidebar. -
protected $primaryKey
: Primary key of the model will be used even if it is notid
wherever it is needed. -
protected $fillable
uses data from the$fillable
variable to show default values -
protected $hidden
uses data from the$hidden
variable to show default values
public function adminIndexFields(): array
Admin index page will display all the contents of protected $fillable
excluding protected $hidden
by default. To override this, use the method adminIndexFields
and return an array of
public function adminIndexFields(): array
return [
public function adminOnCreate(array $fields): array
Use the method to change the data saved on create. An example is for Users model:
public function adminOnCreate(array $fields): array
return [
'password' => bcrypt($fields['password'])
This method can also be used as a hook as it fires just before the entry is created.
public function adminOnEdit(array $fields): array
Use the method to change the data saved on edit. It functions similar to the adminOnCreate
public function adminCanAccessIndex(): bool
Determine whether the logged-in user has the privilege to access the model data. Disabling access to index page will remove access to all the functionalities (view, create, edit, delete) for the current user.
public function adminCanAccessCreate(): bool
Determine whether the logged-in user has the privilege to create a new entry.
public function adminCanAccessEdit(): bool
Determine whether the logged-in user has the privilege to edit an entry from the database.
public function adminCanAccessDelete(): bool
Determine whether the logged-in user has the privilege to delete data from the database.
public function __toString(): string
A magic method to convert the model instance into a string. By default, the field from $fillable
is used. Usage example:
public function __toString(): string
return "{$this->firstName} {$this->lastName}";
public function adminEdited(): void
: This hook is fired when a model is editedpublic function adminCreated(): void
: This hook is fired when a model is created
To add a custom page to the sidebar use the SeamlessAdmin
Facade in your application's AppServiceProvider
. Example:
namespace App\Providers;
use Advaith\SeamlessAdmin\Facades\SeamlessAdmin;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
SeamlessAdmin::add('files.index', 'File', [
'isAllowed' => fn() => auth()->user()->can('manage_files'),
'icon' => 'layout',
'group' => 'Blog'
The add
method takes 3 arguments:
- The route name. This is the route name that you have defined in your routes file. Note: This is not url itself but instead the name of the route.
- Alias for the route. This is the name that will be displayed in the sidebar of the admin page.
- An optional array which consists of
: Whether the route is visible to the current usericon
: Icon to be displayed in the sidebar. We use feathericonsgroup
: Group in sidebar to which the custom route should be added.
To fully utilize the custom page, extend the layout seamless::layout
in your blade file. Exmaple:
@section('title', 'Title')
<!-- This section will be appened to the header -->
<div class="container px-4 py-2">
The actual content here
<!-- This section will be added to the bottom of the page -->
More configuration options will be added soon. For requesting a new feature, create a new issue with the
label feature-request