This project is a simple binary tree demonstration used to store course objects into a binary tree. In this preoject, the user can search for a course, load courses from a CSV, and print the courses in alphanumeric order.
Here are a few questions from my teacher that I will answer:
What was the problem you were solving in the projects for this course?
The advisors at ABCU wanted a reliable program to deliver course information.
How did you approach the problem? Consider why data structures are important to understand.
I approached the problem logically, and I weighed the pros and cons of each data structure. In my considerations, I examined runtime and space complexity, as well as cleanliness and maintainability of my code.
How did you overcome any roadblocks you encountered while going through the activities or project?
Roadblocks, when encountered, where often cleared up with a simple google search. When undergoing this project, I realized my knowledge of the c++ libraries isn't as vast as previosly thought.
How has your work on this project expanded your approach to designing software and developing programs?
This project in particular will change my approach on projects where strong consideration on data structures is needed.
How has your work on this project evolved the way you write programs that are maintainable, readable, and adaptable?
This project, I elected to use a header file with all the elements for a binary tree in it, therefore the header can be included on other projects I need a binary tree for. I also added function comments for others to see what function parameters are needed and what it returns, adding to the readablity of the code.