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VISH Editor Installation

Aldo edited this page Oct 22, 2015 · 8 revisions

ViSH Editor

  1. Introduction
  2. ViSH Editor Installation
  3. ViSH and ViSH Editor versions
  4. Install ViSH Editor without ViSH

ViSH Editor is the e-Learning authoring tool provided by ViSH to create the interactive presentations.

This tool is an open source web application with client and server sides. The source code of the server side is integrated in the ViSH repository, but the source code of the client side its stored in this repository: Although the source code of the client side of ViSH Editor is not provided in the ViSH repository, a compiled version is included in the /lib/plugins/vish_editor/app folder.

Thereby, ViSH can provide ViSH Editor without any additional installation steps. To enable ViSH Editor just be sure that the model 'Excursion' is enabled in the application_config.yml file.

This section explains how to install a different version of ViSH Editor in a ViSH application. This may be useful both for ViSH Editor developers as well as for developers who want to update ViSH Editor in a ViSH application.

This guide assumes that you have properly installed and configured a ViSH application on Ubuntu. If not, follow the ViSH Installation guide.

First off, you have to download the source code of the client side of ViSH Editor from git.
Go to the same folder where you cloned the ViSH repository, and execute the following command to clone the ViSH Editor repository:

git clone

Make sure you have java installed:

sudo apt-get install default-jdk

In the current folder, you should have now these two folders:


To properly compile the ViSH Editor version stored in the vish_editor folder and integrate it in the ViSH application, go to the vish folder and execute the following command:

cd vish
bundle exec rake vish_editor:build

This task will compile the javascript and css files, and it will properly build the new ViSH Editor version.
To start working with the new ViSH Editor version, you just have to start the ViSH server:

rails s

If you modify the ViSH Editor source code, you will need to execute the bundle exec rake vish_editor:build command each time to apply the changes in ViSH.

For ViSH Editor to properly work on ViSH, is necessary to use compatible versions of ViSH and ViSH Editor, since the code of the server side is provided by the ViSH repository and the code of the client side is provided by the ViSH Editor repository.

The lastest versions (master branch) of and should be compatible among them. Nevertheless, this version of the tool may not be stable and have some bug.

In this page are included the available releases of ViSH. In each release, the ViSH Editor version used is specified. The versions of the ViSH Editor repository are listed here. Thereby, its always possible to find a compatible ViSH Editor version for a specific release of ViSH.

Its possible to install only the client side of the ViSH Editor tool without using a ViSH application.
In this case, the application works as a fully client-side web application and the server actions are simulated. This mode is only useful for development purposes.
The instructions to install ViSH Editor in this way are provided in the ViSH Editor repository.