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build and compile static html files with tailwind and use html includes

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NO CMS Starter Project

create static html files using includes and tailwind css. Modified from my Craft CMS Starter.

Clone this locally and and follow instructions below to get started

Local Development

Set up your local development, if you are using DDev for local development then everything should just work for you. If you are NOT using DDEV for local development skip this part and set up local development however you normally do (Valet, Mamp, etc), be sure to import the seed database db.sql.gz

  1. open .ddev/config.yaml and update line 15 to use the port you want. Must be unique to all ddev sites on your local computer
  2. update dotenv variables, especially SITE_NAME, PRIMARY_SITE_URL, SITE_PATH, ASSET_BASE_URL and fill in the missing details
  3. Run ddev start and the site should start up.
  4. run ddev launch

To Do

  • add more default templating i.e. main-nav with mobile hamburger

HTML includes

the HTML includes work similarly to how twig does layouts and includes. First create a layout file with blocks that you want to pass content into from regular pages like this

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/app.css">

    title tag needs to be included inside block
    other includes can be wrapped by tags just not this one
  <block name="metatitle"><title>foo</title></block>


  <h1><block name="page-title"></block></h1>

  <block name="maincontent"></block>



Then you create any number of html files inside src/html that will be compiled into the public directory. PLace your content inside the blocks and use includes as needed.

<extends src="layout.html">
    <!-- meta title-->
    <block name="metatitle"><title>My Page Meta Title</title></block>

  <!--page title-->
  <block name="page-title">yo yo yo123</block>

    <!-- body -->
    <block name="maincontent">

      <div class="container">
        <h1>this is the h1 tag</h1>

        <p class="text-3xl bg-blueBrand text-white">
          this is a sentence

        <div class="bg-green-200 p-8">

          <!--inlcude test file-->
          <include src="test.html" locals='{
              "author": "John Doe"

      </div><!-- /.container -->

    <!-- end block -->

Notice that the include tag allows you to pass data to variables to the included file. Variables are output with double curly braces

the text.html include is here with the {{ author }} variable:

    this is a partial with the <span class="font-bold">authors</span> name passed as a variable <br>
    I am a wonderful and useless text, written by <span class="font-bold">{{ author }}</span>!

Build Process

Tailwind is compiled using Tailwind-jit which is much faster than previously. it also ensures a small file size during watch builds. However I still recommend running the production task before deployment.

Images and svg files should be copied to src/img and src/img/svg. When running npm run production these will then be optimized and copied to /public/assets/images and /public/assets/images/svg respectively (if you don't want to run production, copy files to both locations)

You will need NodeJS version 14+. YOu can either update to 14+ or if you need multiple versions of node install the Node Version Manager Windows / Mac.

  1. run npm install or npm i

Add any scripts or css you need by running npm install <package-name> --save-dev You can then have the required javascript or css files combined and minimized by adding paths to the correct files in webpack.mix.js on line 64-70(js) or line 74-78(css). when you run npx mix watch everything will be combined and output to /public/assets/js or public/assets/css

  1. update the banner text that gets prepended to css on lines 75-85 of webpack.mix.js with your project info
  2. in webpack.mix.js update line 12 const baseUrl = '' with your local domain
    banner: (function () {
        return [
            ' * @project        Craft Starter Website',
            ' * @author         Sean Smith, Caffeine Creations',
            ' * @Copyright      Copyright (c) ' + moment().format("YYYY") + ', Caffeine Creations',
            ' *',
            ' */',
    raw: true,
  1. run npx mix watch to have laravel mix compile tailwind, set up browser sync. and combine scripts.


There is an empty tailwind.config.js file at the root of the repository. Add config settings as necessary but I do have some conventions that I use on all projects

For colors use colornameBrand where colorname is red, blue, or whatever the color is. and for font family use the name of the font. Below you can seen an example taken from another project in the extend key.

colors: {
  redBrand: {
    light: '#fce9e8',
    default: '#de242b',
    dark: '#990e3d',
  grayBrand: {
    light: '#f2f2f2',
    default: '#637a84',
  textBrand: {
    default: '#3a4250',
  blackBrand: '#041e26',
fontFamily: {
  karla: ['Karla', 'sans-serif'],
  montserrat: ['Montserrat', 'serif'],


Create the static templates in src/html/ there is a folder for layouts and partials - the HTML builder package will compile layouts & partials into complete html files. Yeah Includes with basic html!


build and compile static html files with tailwind and use html includes






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