Repository to solve the Diamond Kata
- Watch the videos:
- Testing:
- Running the App:
- Clone this repository
- Open up the .Net solution in the IDE of your choice. The following IDEs have been tested:
- Rider 2023.1.2
- Visual studio 2022 Community Edition
- Build the Code
- Run the tests
- via the IDE
- via the CLI from the repo's root directory
dotnet test
- Choose how you are going to run the application:
- Console App via IDE
- Console App via shell
Issue the following command:
dotnet Diamond.Console.dll --help
Sample command that will render starting from the letter 'O' to the diamond's apex at X with the '%' char as the spacing character
dotnet Diamond.Console.dll -l -i O -s '%' -t X
- Create an interface and implementations of other Diamond Katas, then create a Test with an extremely large diamond to bench mark the implementations against each other
- Create a Json Writer so it can be consumed by a Web Api