This is a Celeste community modding organization.
All projects in this organization are open to bug reports, feature requests, and contributions, and you can join our Discord server for live updates and conservation about these.
Communal Helper is a general-purpose code mod designed for open-source community development.
To encourage the adoption of Lönn, we are working to port helper plugins for legacy mods. Most plugins will be included with their helpers, but we are using the LegacyLoennPlugins project for helpers we don't have edit access to.
Let us know if you are interested in helping!
There are many code mods (also known as helpers) that are no longer actively maintained, which can break maps or code relying on them as Everest changes or new helpers break compatibility. The goal of this project is to make those helpers open source and community-maintained.
If you want to view documentation, submit a bug report, request a feature, or make a contribution, go to the individual page for that helper. New features will be considered if they fall under the current scope of the helper, but the priority is preservation.
Here is a list of legacy helpers maintained by the Communal Helper organization:
- Adventure Helper
- Anonhelper
- Batteries
- BGswitch
- Canyon Helper
- Cavern Helper
- Cherry Helper
- Crystalline Helper
- EeveeHelper
- Em Helper
- Factory Helper
- Furry Helper
- Glass Helper
- Honly Helper
- Isa's Grab Bag
- Memorial Helper
- Outback Helper
- Shroom Helper
- Sardine7
- VortexHelper
Reach out to us in the CommunalHelper Discord if you have any questions or would like to join the team.