- We are a club chapter (i.e. Codepath@UCI) of a larger organization named "Codepath". The large organization uses material dedicated for Semester schools (i.e. 15 weeks worth of material), and since UCI is part of the quarter-system, we will be shifting material around in order to give you the best range of matieral. As such, please visit this repo first.
- We will using our UCI Github as a source of information where you must first start. This will have all of our info regarding the quiz links, lecture links, etc. Some labs, we will tell you to visit the general Codepath Student Portal for lab information, and others, we may tell you to do something different.
- For Assignments however, you will DEFINITELY be going on the Codepath Student Portal in order to complete, then turn in the work. If you visit the Github portal for Assignment information, we'll just redirect you to the Codepath Student Portal
Units start on Tuesdays ---> Lecture recording is released Wednesday @ 12am PST (Estimate) ---> You do the lab (don't turn it in) ---> Attendance Quizzes are due Friday Nights ---> Assignments are due the next Monday ---> [REPEAT]
- Lecture sessions will be live zoom session on Tuesdays at 7pm PST (Irvine Time) and attendance is recorded. If you're unable to make it, you will be required to complete a quiz that's desigend to be easy and based off the recorded zoom session. If you pass, it will serve as attendance.
- You can watch the recorded zoom session at any time after its released, but MUST turn in the respective quiz by Saturday @1:00am PST
- If you obtain a quiz score of lower than 60%, then you will be marked absent (i.e. you didn't watch the video / do the small lab).
- After you do the Lab, you should then proceed to complete the assignment that will be due the Mondays (@11:59 PM).
- The lab work will NOT be turned in. Only the quiz and assignments will be turned in.
- You do Not need to complete the lab to start the asasignment, but completing the lab will help prepare you for the assignments
Dev: Wednesdays @ 9pm-10pm PST
Michael: Saturdays @ 4pm-5pm PST
Vini: Wednesdays @ 7pm-8pm PST
Topics: XML View Layouts, RecyclerView, Adapters, APIs, Git
Dates: Start 1/5 | Due 1/11
Topics: Intents, Parceler, Activity Launching
Dates: Start 1/12 | Due 1/18
Topics: Debugging Tricks, OAuth
Dates: Start 1/19 | Due 1/25
Topics: Intents, Infinite Scrolling, Appbar, StartActivityForResult
Dates: Start 1/26 | Due 2/1
Topics: Servers, Databases, Authentication, Camera
Dates: Start 2/2 | Due 2/8
Topics: AlertDialogs, Fragments, Bottom Navigation View, Product Specification
Dates: Start 2/9 | Due 2/15
Dates: Start 2/16 | Due 2/22
Dates: Start 2/23 | Due 3/1
Dates: Start 3/2
Dates: Start 3/9
- Coming soon to a theatre near you