This is a Next.js application for managing club activities, events, and members for the Clubs Council at IIIT Hyderabad. This also serves as the frontend for the Life Website of IIIT Hyderabad.
The project uses a modern tech stack, including GraphQL, Material-UI, and MDX for documentation.
├── public/ # Static assets and public resources
├── src/ # Application source code
├── dev.Dockerfile # Development Docker configuration
├── Dockerfile # Production Docker configuration
├── next.config.js # Next.js configuration
└── package.json # Project dependencies and scripts
Contains static assets and resources:
- Institution and organization logos
- Carousel images for the homepage
- XML sitemaps for SEO
- Open Graph images for social media sharing
Main application code organized into several key directories:
Next.js app router pages and layouts:
- Main layout and error handling (
) - Public pages (clubs, events, gallery)
- Management interfaces (
) - User profiles and authentication
- Documentation system
- Calendar and scheduling interfaces
Server-side actions using Next.js Server Actions pattern:
- Club management (create, edit, delete)
- Event handling (creation, updates, reporting)
- Member management (approvals, rejections)
- File operations with secure signed URLs
- User data management
- Holiday scheduling
Reusable React components:
- UI components (ActionPalette, ConfirmDialog, Toast)
- Feature-specific components for clubs, events, and members
- Theme customization (
) - Layout components (Footer, Layout)
- File handling (FileUpload, ImageModal)
- Custom SVG components and logos
: Access control and route protectionconstants/
: Application-wide constantscontexts/
: React contexts for state managementgql/
: GraphQL queries and mutationsutils/
: Helper functions for formatting, auth, and file handlingmiddleware.js
: Custom Next.js middleware
Authentication & Authorization
- Role-based access control
- Protected routes and actions
- User profile management
Club Management
- Club creation and editing
- Member management
- Social media integration
- Logo and banner handling
Event System
- Event creation and scheduling
- Approval workflows
- Budget tracking
- Report generation
- Calendar integration
Members Management
- Member profiles
- Managing members for clubs & bodies
- Member approval flow
Document Management
- MDX-based documentation
- File upload and storage
- Secure URL signing
UI/UX Features
- Responsive design
- Dark/light mode support
- Image carousel
- Loading states
- Toast notifications
- Framework: Next.js with App Router
- API: GraphQL with server actions
- UI: Material-UI with custom theme
- Content: MDX for documentation
- Styling: Emotion for CSS-in-JS
- Docker: Development and production configurations
- Feature-based organization
- Server actions for API operations
- Component co-location with related features
- Consistent file naming (
) - Separation of UI components and server logic
We use Docker to run the frontend but this is just the frontend microservice.
This should usually be run with the services as a whole; refer to the setup repo
for running this locally.
- The project uses Node.js module linking for optimized dependency management.
- Includes SEO optimization with sitemaps and metadata.
- Supports both development and production Docker environments.
- Uses modern React patterns, including Server Components and Actions.