Bug Fixes
- add missing proptypes (c5cb7ba)
- general bug-fixing (5c0ac0f)
- Heroku (361f4b1)
- heroku client dir (09c59fc)
- infinite loading when author has no documents (e4713e4)
- proxy now correctly works (ae8bf8b)
- remove unused asset (59c183f)
- scroll on choose page (c361d5c)
- add DatePicker to Conferences search page (dbe99ef)
- add LearnMore page (1cec3d9)
- add React.js (e8a6125)
- add search functionality (a0b3cad)
- first commit (ab7911e)
- first commit (6f04d42)
- moving to PostgreSQL (5225bf1)
- remove unused assets, add new one (0fefcf3)
- update react-materialize to v3 (b3bafa0)
- update react-materialize version (896b924)