This widget package offers 2 widgets:
- JavaScript Button
- JavaScript Microflow Button
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Renders a button, and allows you to run some custom JS on click of that button. Does not require a context object.
Renders a button, and allows you to run some custom JS on click of that button. After the JS executes, a microflow is also called. Custom JS can also be run after the microflow.
Requires a context object.
In this button, you can get a reference to the context object by using:
You can get the data in an attribute of your context entity like this:
var myValue = this._contextObj.get("AttributeName");
And you can set the data in an attribute of your contenxt entity like this:
this._contextObj.set("AttributeName", newValue);
Both widgets have similar properties, with the exception of the microflow that can be selected for the JS Microflow Buttton:
- Content type: Choose plain JavaScript or JS with the JQuery library loaded. JQuery is available as the standard $ variable.
- JavaScript: the JavaScript to execute. The context object is avaialble at "this._contextObj".
- Prompt for confirmation: whether the button prompts for confirmation before executing the JavaScript or JS + Microflow.
- Confirm question: If Prompt for confirmation is selected, this is the question that will be asked
- Proceed text: If Prompt for confirmation is selected, this is the Proceed/OK/Yes button text
- Cancel text: If Prompt for confirmation is selected, this is the Cancel/No button text
- Button text: The label on the button
- Button CSS Class: A list of CSS classes applied to the button. Add spaces between classes like in the modeler
- Button Tab Index: The tab index of the button (Default 0)