To build the Rover firmware, you'll need the ESP-IDF. You can find the getting started guide here.
The production firmware is built using IDF version 5.1.1.
In the root directory of the project:
To build the firmware run build
To upload the firmware to the device run -p <PORT> flash
Replace <PORT>
with the port the Rover is attached to, for ex. COM6
To restore the stock firmware, you can download the prebuilt binary on the releases page of this repository and flash it manually using esptool:
esptool -c esp32s3 -b 921600 -p <PORT> write_flash 0 Rover-Firmware.bin
Alternatively, you can also do so using CircuitBlocks by logging in, clicking the "Restore Firmware" button in the top-right corner, and following the on-screen instructions.