SAO Menu System Orion Version
I am redoing the Sword Art Online menu system I made a while ago.
To be able to run this you will need the following:
- An Oculus
- A Leap Motion (w/ Head Mount)
- Oculus .8 Drivers
- Leap Motion Orion Runtime (It's in the SDK Download)
- (Maybe a Myo or 2, still figuring out how to integrate it)
- A go getter attitude
I'm looking to make this version extremely flexible compared to the last.
The previous one had a ton of things hard coded. That was because I was looking to make an exact replica of the SAO menu system. With this version, I would like to have an exact replica, but also, the ability to make my own/add features that work around current tech. Ex. Email, SMS, Phone integration. System/File control. Other fun things.
The coolest part is that you can make your own menu just by creating a .json file!