This application is a quiz game over Harry Potter Trivia. The application uses HTML, CSS, and Javascript to achieve the following criteria:
- a quiz game that shows one screen at a time, and one question at a time
- a timer that begins when the quiz begins
- a penalty that subtracts 15s from the timer when a question is answered incorrectly
- an input screen at the end of the quiz that allows the user to enter in their initials to save their initials and score to local storage
- a scoresheet that lists user initials and scores using local storage
- an option to repeat the game at the end of the application
- Click the "Start Quiz" button to begin the quiz at the first question and start the timer at 60 seconds
- For each question, click the button corresponding to the answer choice to progress forwards
- For each incorrect answer, 15 seconds will be deducted from your timer and score
- After answering the last question or when the time is out, your score is shown with a place to enter in your initials
- Click the "Submit" button to save initials and score, and to view the scoresheet
- Click the "Play Again" button to restart the timer and the quiz at the first question
- Used Water CSS for simplified CSS styling