- Add your improvements and interesting effects
- index.html it weighs too much
- effects must correspond to some behavior described in already existing effects, perhaps an abstract class is needed, although you can just use existing ones as an example.
init(self, strip, params):
The constructor, initializing the effect object. It takes a strip object (representing the LED strip) and a params dictionary (effect parameters).
run(self, stop_event):
An asynchronous function that starts and runs the effect. It takes stop_event (a uasyncio.Event() object) used to interrupt the effect.
A function that stops the effect. Not implemented in the example but should be added for proper functionality. It might need to clean up resources or set a flag to indicate termination.
A static function that returns information about the effect’s parameters (description and a dictionary with parameters).
The _parse_params function parses and validates parameters passed to the constructor. It’s crucial to validate input to prevent errors. The example checks RGB component values for the allowed range (0-255).
Effect Logic (run)
This is the most important part. The algorithm defining the effect’s behavior is implemented here. In the FireEffectV2 example:
heat is an array storing “heat” for each LED.
Heat is randomly added to a random position.
Heat spreads along the strip, considering “cooling” (cooling).
Heat values are converted to colors from the palette.
Data is sent to the strip using strip.write().
uasyncio.sleep(self.speed) provides a pause between updates.
Error Handling
Exception handling (try...except) prevents program crashes due to errors.
Let’s create a simple blinking effect:
import uasyncio as asyncio
class BlinkEffect:
def __init__(self, strip, params):
self.strip = strip
self.r = int(params.get('r', 255))
self.g = int(params.get('g', 255))
self.b = int(params.get('b', 255))
self.speed = params.get('speed', 0.5)
self.on = True
async def run(self, stop_event):
while not stop_event.is_set():
color = (self.r, self.g, self.b) if self.on else (0, 0, 0)
await self.strip.write()
await asyncio.sleep(self.speed)
self.on = not self.on
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in Blink effect: {e}")
print("Blink effect stopped")
def stop(self):
def get_params_info():
return ("Simple blinking effect", # Short description of the effect
# Parameter of the effect
"r": {"default": 255, "min": 0, "max": 255, "desc": "Red component"},
"g": {"default": 255, "min": 0, "max": 255, "desc": "Green component"},
"b": {"default": 255, "min": 0, "max": 255, "desc": "Blue component"},
"speed": {"default": 0.5, "min": 0.1, "max": 2.0, "desc": "Blinking speed"},
class EffectManager:
def __init__(self, strip, stop_event):
self.strip = strip
self.effects = {
"fire_v2": FireEffectV2,
"twinkle": TwinkleEffect,
"strobe": StrobeEffect,
<-- add here your effect class like this "EffectName": EffectClass