fast-SVO is a basic stereo visual odometry. A python version SVO implemented during the course 02504 (Computer Vision F21) in DTU and a popular SLAM structure ORB-SLAM give inspiration for the SVO design and C++ implementation style for this project. Feature detection and matching parts use inline functions provided by OpenCV. P3P solution provided by Kneip is implemented in this project.
This project is implemented and teseted in Ubuntu 18.04.
This project use std::thread, std::chrono.
This project uses the latest OpenCV 4.5.1.
This project uses version 3.3.91.
Download the dataset (grayscale images) from
The setting files are stored in ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Example/KITTI setting/
Usage example:
./Example/Stereo/stereo_kitti Example/KITTI_setting/KITTI04-12.yaml PATH_TO_DATASET_FOLDER/dataset/sequences/ 07
Evaluation comparison between this project and my previous python version on KIITI dataset (grayscale 07)