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New Config Changes

CaptainObvious0 edited this page Apr 7, 2019 · 2 revisions

New Config Changes

Any new changes to the NoCheatPlus config will be listed here



Option Description
Seconds Adds a delay before checking a player upon login. This prevents players from flagging if they just recently joined

FightSync - New Check

Option Description
Threshold Amount of times the check needs to be triggered before it is considered a violation
reset_count After x amount of hits, the threshold will reset. This prevents false positives from slowly building up the threshold



Option Description
thresholds: Preform the actions list if the check VL is higher than or equal to the threshold
average_move If the average move is between 0 and 0.2 block(s), add it to the violation
average_time If the average time elapsed is between 0 and 150 millisecond(s), add it to the violation
average_yaw If the average difference of yaw is superior to 50 degrees, add it to the violation
average_switch If the average switch between entities is greater than 0, add it to the violation



Option Description
Limit Chest Configure the time, in ms, that a player is not allowed to interact with a chest if it is below this time after opening
Exclude A list of inventory names that should not be checked with FastClick (Do not include color codes) Note: Custom GUI names should be placed here. Inventories where clicks are cancelled can cause problems with FastClick, therefore these inventories should not be checked. It also serves no purpose to check an inventory where all clicks are cancelled


Option Description
Page Limit Max amount of pages allowed in a book, if it exceeds or equals this, add to the VL