A React + Typescript + Vite demo for the sample problems put forth for the interview.
The boggle problem was selected for the assignment. The application runs as a React with no backing server and has limited interaction.
Running on a linux distro:
- Ensure that Node is at v22.9.0. Using nvm greatly simplifies that process
Source code can be retrieved from the open Github repo.
- Get the source code and enter directory
git clone git@github.com:dlipino/CSNW-demo-dlp.git
cd CSNW-demo-dlp
- Load npm packages and run application in dev mode
npm install
npm run dev
The console will provide a link do ctrl+right-click on the link to open a browser to the url (http://localhost:5173/). On the welcome page click the 'Go to Boggle' button or add '/boggle' to the local url.
The UI will have the following buttons (so sorry about the off center and inconsistent UI):
Reset Board
-> Fills boggle board with new values.Load New Board
-> opens a file dialog to select a predefined boggle board and uses those values.A json file a sample file is provided /helperFiles/boggle/test2Darray.jsonLoad Boggle Library:(library count)
-> opens a load file dialog for selecting and loading the library to use for solving the boggle board. A sample library file is provided at /helperFiles/boggle/testLibrary.Solve Board: (solved count)
-> Solves the boggle board that is visible and displays the results. Also shows number of solutions present.
To run the tests:
npm run test