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Getting Started: Development

Aaron Perley edited this page Jun 21, 2016 · 6 revisions

Note: This tutorial describes development for the Django application. For information on how to use the website or API please consult the other tutorials.

This tutorial is not done. If you are interested in helping to develop this project contact Brent Strysko.


  1. python3.4
  2. MySQL Server
  3. git
  4. pip(3.4)


  1. git clone
  2. cd RCCentrum/
  3. pip3.4 install -r requirements.txt
  4. Create file crm/ and override databases to the correct NAME, USER, and PASSWORD and set SECRET_KEY to a random string.
  5. ./ migrate
  6. ./ runserver
  7. go to localhost:8000/


  1. fab deploy

Front-End: folders of interest

  • templates/
  • <app name>/templates/<app name>/
  • static/

Where possible this project uses the Jade Markup language. Please do not sure raw HTML if possible.