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Custom Package: Buggy

Mehul Goel edited this page Jan 8, 2025 · 5 revisions

A majority of the ROS package is created within the folder rb_ws/src/buggy/, which is where the ROS package for RoboBuggy is hosted. This wiki page is a breakdown of what is currently hosted within this package, and what it all means.

File Structure

  • bags - contains ROS bags of previous rolls to record data for archival purposes. Only important bags should be saved to the repository
  • scripts - contains the Python scripts that the package will run, including the auton, serial, telem, and simulation software stacks
  • Take a look at the buggy wiki page for more information about the details of the python code being run.
  • build, install - ROS folders created by colcon build that compile the code to run within ROS
  • launch - contains the launch files that run the various system configurations that RoboBuggy needs
  • log - contains the logs from colcon builds, a largely irrelevant folder that should not be pushed to the overall repo
  • msg - contains all custom messages that we use
  • TrajectoryMsg.msg - A custom message containing two arrays, one for northing, the other for easting. This is supposed to be the UTM coordinates for the trajectory and is the way to pass the traj between the path planner and custom controller that we are running
  • paths - contains all the paths that the buggy can currently follow.
  • These are effectively waypoint json files that contain specific files
  • Take a look at Eracer to view and edit these paths. The paths must follow this format to be used for waypoints by the buggy, and the convention is detailed within the JSON file.
  • resource is a folder that contains package details and is specified by the ROS package installation
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