A complete re-write of the old RoboBuggy.
- Installation
- Quickstart
- Development
You will need Docker installed.
Once installed, the Docker image can be built as follows from the repository's root directory:
docker compose build --no-cache docker compose --env-file .env.dev up
Then in another terminal window, in order to access the running Docker's CLI, run:
docker exec -it robobuggy2-main-1 bash
Now you should be presented with a bash CLI as you're used to.
Navigate to
. This is the catkin workspace where we will be doing all our ROS stuff. -
To build the ROS workspace and source it, run:
catkin_make source /rb_ws/devel/setup.bash # sets variables so that our package is visible to ROS commands
- In the main directory, just run
as appropriate. - Run
to get into Docker environment and setup all the aliases.
Watch this video to get started with visualizing the simulation.
Edit rb_ws/src/buggy/scripts/controller.py
. Skeleton code for interacting with existing topics is provided.
To launch the simulation against your controls code, run the following command: roslaunch buggy main.launch simulation:=true
If you get an error about not finding package buggy
, remember to run source /rb_ws/devel/setup.bash
Examples (from the same run):
Control Example:
- Foxglove output (via sending steering + velocity commands): link
- Install the appropriate X11 server on your computer for your respective operating systems (Xming for Windows, XQuartz for Mac, etc.).
- Mac: In XQuartz settings, ensure that the "Allow connections from network clients" under "Security" is checked.
- Windows: Make sure that you're using WSL 2 Ubuntu and NOT command prompt.
- While in a bash shell with the X11 server running, run
xhost +local:docker
. - Boot up the docker container using the "Alternate Shortcut" above.
- Run
while INSIDE the Docker container to test X11 forwarding. If this works, we're good. - Run
roslaunch buggy sim_2d.launch controller:=CONTROLLER_TYPE
for the simulator.
- Longitude + Latitude for Foxglove visualization on map:
(sensor_msgs/NavSatFix) - UTM coordinates (assume we're in Zone 17T):
(geometry_msgs/Pose - position.x = Easting meters , position.y = Northing meters, position.z = heading in degrees from East axis + is CCW) - INS Simulation:
(nsg_msgs/Odometry) (Noise is implemented to vary ~1cm)
- Steering angle:
in degrees (std_msgs/Float64) - Velocity:
in m/s (std_msgs/Float64)
- pusher.py: apply simulated pushing force if buggy is in certain areas
- steering_mux.py: Decide where to listen for steering inputs given a state
- dead-mans (lock right(?))
- Teleop (Input from foxglove teleop panel)
- Controls (auton)
- instrument_*.py
- INS,