Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms.
Basic operation of the Eigen library.
# 输入数据
// matrix_32(0,0) = 0;
// matrix_32(0,1) = 1;
// matrix_32(1,0) = 2;
// matrix_32(1,1) = 10;
// matrix_32(2,0) = 11;
// matrix_32(2,0) = 12;
matrix_32 << 1,2,3,4,5,6; //The same function as the previous one.
# 矩阵操作
/*四则运算*/ //+、-、/ 同理
// Matrix<float,3,1> multiply_result = matrix_32 * v_2d; //数据类型不同,不能直接操作
Matrix<float,3,1> multiply_result = matrix_32 * v_2d.cast<float>(); //应该显式转换,三个类型需要一致
Matrix<float,3,1> random_result = Eigen::Vector3d::Random().cast<float>();
//cout << random_result << "\n";
//cout << multiply_result.transpose() << "\n"; //别漏了函数后的括号
//cout << multiply_result.sum() << "\n";
//cout << multiply_result.trace() << "\n"; //tr(A)= A特征值总和
//cout << multiply_result * 10 << "\n";
//cout << (multiply_result * multiply_result.transpose()).inverse() << "\n"; //只有方阵才可逆
//cout << (multiply_result * multiply_result.transpose()).determinant() << "\n"; //行列式一定是方阵
//cout << multiply_result.conjugate() << "\n";
//cout << multiply_result.adjoint() << "\n";
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