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Admin interface

This is the admin user interface for the Research Software Directory. It can be used to add and update software items to the directory. The admin interface requires credentials for users to see the admin interface.


  • add notes on how to keep the dependencies updated, e.g. using yarn audit and yarn outdated (#367)

Development setup

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App using scripts package @nlesc/react-scripts. Original documentation here.


  1. Install node version ^14.0, e.g. using nvm (Node Version Manager, see
    1. curl -o- | bash
    2. restart terminal
    3. run nvm install 14
  2. Install yarn, npm install -g yarn (Note: there exists a similarly named package, Apache Hadoop YARN --please ignore that, it's something else)

Getting a local development build running

  1. To login in to admin interface you need to set the authentication callback to http://localhost:8000/auth/get_jwt on

  2. Start the services required by admin interface:

    cd research-software-directory
    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f admin/ up
  3. New terminal

  4. cd admin

  5. Install the admin service's dependencies: yarn install

  6. Start the admin service in a development server: yarn start. It will tell you where to go to check the admin interface (http://localhost:8000).

The Docker containers started with docker-compose is a complete Research Software Directory instance on https://localhost including an admin interface. Any changes made to software/projects/etc. in the admin interface running on http://localhost:8000 will be saved in the instance and can be viewed there.

Production setup: non-dockerized

To build the app for production run:

yarn build

The deployable app will build to the ./build/ directory.

Production setup: dockerized

The Docker image should not be used on its own, as the code expects the backend server to be running at /api and the auth server to be running at /auth.

The rsd/admin image should be used as part of a docker-compose, see

cd research-software-directory
docker-compose build admin