Github authentication service for the Research Software Directory. It should be configured as the callback endpoint of a GitHub OAuth app.
This verifies the user is part of Github organization AUTH_GITHUB_ORGANIZATION
then forwards the user to [AUTH_CALLBACK_URL]?jwt=[GENERATED_JWT]
(or an
error message is shown).
The JWT is generated using secret JWT_SECRET
Claims in the generated token:
"sub": [github_username],
"subType": "GITHUB",
"permissions": ["read", "write"],
"iat": [current timestamp (in seconds)],
"user": {
"name": [github_username],
"image": [github_users_avatar_image_url],
mkvirtualenv data-api -p `which python3` # create virtual python environment
source data-api/bin/activate # activate environment
pip install -r requirements.txt # install python dependencies
Copy rsd-secrets.env.example
to .env
and check the values.
export $(cat .env | xargs) # load settings as env vars
python # run debug server on default port (5002)
or use docker (you can skip the install
docker build . -t rsd/auth
docker run --env-file ./.env -p 5002:8000 -it --name auth-github auth-github
Configuration is done through environmental variables
# The secret used to generate jwt token that is used by the api backend to authenticate/authorize users from the admin site
# The id and secret of a GitHub OAuth app, for authorization callback URL in the GitHub application use `<url of server>/get_jwt`
# The GitHub organization that users must be a member of to be authorized
# The url to redirect the user to when the authentication has been completed
The Docker image can be built using
docker build -t rsd/auth .