Download entire artist's music from YouTube: playlists, full albums, or song sections, with automatic metadata and cover image tagging.
sudo docker pull c0deinblack/yt-dlp-at:v2.1
git clone
chmod +x
Local build
git clone
cd yt2music
docker build -t c0deinblack/yt-dlp-at:v2.1
chmod +x
usage: [-h] [-p PATH] [-m METADATA] [-f FILE] [-u URL] [-s SECTIONS] [-sf SECTIONS_FILE] [-st SECTIONS_TITLE]
Script for download YT music
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p, --path PATH Path to save the music [Text Input]
-m, --metadata METADATA
Metadata (Artist name) [Text Input]
-f, --file FILE Custom urls to read [File]
-u, --url URL Url to download music from [Text Input]
-s, --sections SECTIONS
Download sections [True / False] (Default is False)
-sf, --sections_file SECTIONS_FILE
Sections to download [File]
-st, --sections_title SECTIONS_TITLE
Use the sections title [True / False] (Default is False)
Download from a URL:
./ -p /path/artist -m 'Artist name' -u ''
Read from a file:
./ -p /path/artist -m 'Artist name' -f /path/to/list.txt
Download sections and use custom names for the songs:
./ -p /path/artist -m 'Artist name' -s true -sf /path/file.txt -u ''
Download sections and use default titles from the videos:
./ -p /path/artist -m 'Artist name' -s true -sf /path/sections_file.txt -st true -u ''
NOTE: Don't write the metadata argument all in upper case, otherwise the program will fail. Why? I don't know. Things with python argparse.
./yt2music -p /path/artist -m 'Artist name' -u ''
I recommend download from a url only if the link you are downloading have 'releases' in the url
otherwise it will mess up and download all the songs in one directory instead of separated albums.
./yt2music -p /path/artist -m 'Artist name' -f /path/to/list.txt
The best option is to download from a list, you have to save the links of the albums playlists in a plain text file. The file to read only have to be one link per line:
In both options (with url or file) if the name of one of your directories or artist has spaces, you should write directory\ name
or artist\ name
or you can write it between "Artist name"
or 'Artist name'
For download separated sections from a single video, you have two options:
A sections file with the start time and the name of each song in the next format:
00:00 Song_title 1
00:20 Song_title 2
04:11 Song_title 3
10:16 Song_title 4
15:06 Song_title 5
18:47 Song_title 6
This will download the specified sections and add the custom title you provided.
./yt2music -p /path/artist -m 'Artist name' -s true -sf /path/file.txt -u ''
Or use the default sections title for the video (which not always work), and add it to the sections file, usually the sections names are in the description of the YouTube video
Default_section_name 1
Default_section_name 2
Default_section_name 3
Default_section_name 4
Default_section_name 5
Default_section_name 6
This will download the sections and add the default name from the YouTube video
./yt2music -p /path/artist -m 'Artist name' -s true -sf /path/sections_file.txt -st true -u ''