A Discord bot for managing giveaways.
Present is a Discord bot which manages giveaways in your server. It is capable of allowing multiple winners, as well as excluding specific users and roles form being able to win.
Present runs in a Docker container, and there is a docker-compose.yaml file which simplifies this process.
To start off, clone the repository into your desired directory:
git clone https://github.com/BrackeysBot/Present.git
Step into the Present directory using cd Present
, and continue with the steps below.
The bot's token is passed to the container using the DISCORD_TOKEN
environment variable. Define this environment variable whichever way is most convenient for you.
Two directories are required to exist for Docker compose to mount as container volumes. A folder for persistent data, and a folder for logs:
sudo mkdir /etc/brackeysbot/present
sudo mkdir /var/log/brackeysbot/present
Copy the example config.example.json
to /etc/brackeysbot/present/config.json
, and assign the necessary config keys. Below is breakdown of the config.json layout:
"logChannel": /* The ID of the log channel */,
"giveawayColor": /* The primary branding colour, as a 24-bit RGB integer. Defaults to #7837FF */
The logs
directory is used to store logs in a format similar to that of a Minecraft server. latest.log
will contain the log for the current day and current execution. All past logs are archived.
The data
directory is used to store persistent state of the bot, such as config values and the infraction database.
To launch Present, simply run the following commands:
sudo docker-compose build
sudo docker-compose up --detach
To update Present, simply pull the latest changes from the repo and restart the container:
git pull
sudo docker-compose stop
sudo docker-compose build
sudo docker-compose up --detach
For further usage breakdown and explanation of commands, see USAGE.md.
This bot is under the MIT License.
This bot is tailored for use within the Brackeys Discord server. While this bot is open source and you are free to use it in your own servers, you accept responsibility for any mishaps which may arise from the use of this software. Use at your own risk.