TAO NARIT package contains examples of Toolkit for Adaptive Optics (TAO) software framework implemented on camera devices available at NARIT.
The cameras are
- Nuvu camera
- Grasshopper Camera
C APIs of the cameras are stored in src folder. These examples serve as building blocks for TAO implementation.
Each example is built by running make in the example directory. eg. Acquisition example
cd ./src/Grasshopper_example/Acquisition
To run an Acquisition example with single frame acquisition mode
./Acquisition -s
For the list of options of the examples, see here
To build all Nuvu examples, run make all in the Nuvu_Example directory
cd src/Nuvu_example
make all
To run an example
cd Continuous_Acquisition/Continuous_Acquisition
This example takes 10 images and save them in .fits extension
api.c in both directories contain TAO wrapper functions of the cameras' APIs. An archive of each camera is built by running
make libtao-nuvu.a
make libtao-spinnaker.a
in the corresponding directory.
*_test_01.c files are examples of using the archives to build them
make tao_spinnaker_test-01
or simply run make
to compile verything
is the program that invokes image acquisition and display real-time image. To compile, in ~/tao_nuvu/src
make start_nuvu
To see available options eg. camera setting and displayed image rotation
./start_nuvu --help