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Releases: Blumlaut/SexySpeedometer-FiveM

Update 10 - The Optimisation Update

30 Apr 15:00
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This Update majorly Optimises both the standard SexySpeedometer, and the Code for the existing Skins, majorly improving both performance and memory usage, here are a few before & afters

On Foot:

Default Skin:

ID5 Skin:

ID5 Skin is slower due to doing much more stuff in the Background, compared to the Default Skin.


Update 9

29 Mar 18:38
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Lots has happened since the last update, here is a few things:

  • Texture Override feature for Skins, no more weirdly overlapping textures!
  • Performance improvements
  • More API Features!
  • Made Initial D Skins be part of sexyspeedometer by default
  • Fix Turbo Gauge with a new "emulating" function, which tries to mimic the turbo's boost

Note: its always recommended to download the "master" build of sexyspeedometer, as releases are few and far between.

Update 8.3

26 Feb 07:12
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Update 8.3

This Update is an API update, you can now define custom texture names using the following parameters in your skin config:

Update 8.2

13 Feb 16:02
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This Update will allow people to remove the "default" skins.

The "first" added skin will now be active instead of the "default" skin if the user preferred skin ( or "default" ) wasn't found

Update 8.1

13 Feb 11:18
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this update resembles the latest github commits.

Update 8

06 Jan 18:40
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wow big update

this update adds a completely new system for adding "skins" for your speedometer, supporting custom textures and positions, a few commands and exports.

how to make a custom skin:

firstly, create a .lua file resembling your skin name in the "skins" directory of sexyspeedometer and add it to the __resource.lua as a client script ( it should already have the default skin added, just add the new skin under it )

if you are using custom textures, make sure to place your texture dictionary inside your stream folder with a name resembling your skin

now open the Lua file you created earlier and add following text to it:

local skinData = {
	-- names
	skinName = "myskin",
	ytdName = "myskin",
	-- texture dictionary informations:
	-- night textures are supposed to look like this:
	-- "needle", "tachometer", "speedometer", "fuelgauge"
	-- daytime textures this:
	-- "needle_day", "tachometer_day", "speedometer_day", "fuelgauge_day"
	-- these names are hardcoded

	-- where the speedo gets centered, values below are OFFSETS from this.
	centerCoords = {0.8,0.8},

	-- icon locations
	-- these are xy,width,height
	lightsLoc = {0.010,0.092,0.018,0.02},
	blinkerLoc = {0.105,0.034,0.022,0.03},
	fuelLoc = {0.105,0.090,0.012,0.025},
	oilLoc = {0.100,0.062,0.020,0.025},
	engineLoc = {0.130,0.092,0.020,0.025},

	-- gauge locations
	SpeedoBGLoc = {0.000,0.060,0.12,0.185},
	SpeedoNeedleLoc = {0.000,0.062,0.076,0.15},

	TachoBGloc = {0.120,0.060,0.12,0.185},
	TachoNeedleLoc = {0.120,0.062,0.076,0.15},

	FuelBGLoc = {0.060, -0.020,0.04, 0.04},
	FuelGaugeLoc = {0.060,0.000,0.040,0.08},

	RotMult = 2.036936,
	RotStep = 2.32833



you can edit the values to your liking, just make sure to change the "ytdName" to the name of the ytd file you put into stream, without the ".ytd" extension, or if you want to use the default skin, just set it to "default".

once you've done all that, hop ingame and run the changeSkin function with your skin name as argument or type /speedoskin myskin in the chat, if you don't have a script set up to change it with.

Done! If you did everything correctly, your skin should now appear ( if you are in a car ).

Update 7

31 Aug 19:13
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This is possibly the last update, so enjoy it!

fix for the annoying tacho jerking back when exiting/entering a new car

Update 6

11 Aug 19:57
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yup, it’s that time again, new changes, focused around fixes

Fixed that the speedo didn’t show on Utility/Industrial vehicles
Removed RPM and Fuel Gauges for Electric Vehicles since they don’t work properly anyways, also removed low-oil and low-fuel warnings

Update 5

10 Aug 13:21
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Update 5

An Update? Wew.

Before listing the changelogs, i want to send out a big THANK YOU to everyone that suggested things, helped me get the code running, added natives and were generally helpful, people included but not limited to are:
ikt for the new natives and research ❤️
thers for helping me with the Fuel, research and generally being cool
and mraes for keeping me inspired 😉

Now, since we have that out of the way:
Lots of new stuff

Blinkers ( that are not really that accurate as of now )
Fuel Gauge
Fuel Lamp
Oil Lamp

Fuel Display does not require any specific resource, but FRFuel is recommended, if you don’t need/want it, go into client.lua and switch showFuelGauge = true to false, Easy!
Note that this does not add a fuel system, it merely checks at what % the Fuel Tank is filled!

Update 4

08 Aug 12:56
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What, we skipped a version?! Oh no!

Good thing i added enough stuff to plug the gap, have fun!

This Update adds Dashboard Elements which are:
Lights/Highbeams Display
Check Engine Light

If you have any suggestions feel free to suggest a new Dash Element!

Other Changes:
Make Dashboard Elements more reliable when entering/exiting
Made sure vehicle data is up to date when entering a vehicle

Download the source to get the resource!