Example of how to use this repo as a submodule in a Unity project
Open up the root folder of our Unity project (which already has an existing .git)
cd /d/UnityProjects/ProjectName/
Make a folder to organize our shared code submodules
mkdir Submodules
Move into the subfolder
cd Submodules
Clone the shared code as a submodule
git submodule add https://github.com/Bennett-Lynch/UnityUtil.git
Move into the Assets folder
cd ../Assets
Create a symbolic link in the Assets folder pointing to our submodule...
ln -s ../Submodules/UnityUtil UnityUtil
Windows (in a separate command prompt run as admin):
mklink /D "D:\UnityProjects\ProjectName\Assets\UnityUtil" "D:\UnityProjects\ProjectName\Submodules\UnityUtil"