As for me, this 2021 means so much.
Right now, I cannot really recall very much of my memories, I just let them go, just float in the air.
In fact, I'm really a ridiculous person. I barely have any friends.
In my Unversity, for some period of time, I have met two girls, when they sum up, you'll get a ten.
I don't know if I can persist doing all my research in 2022. This winter I was caught with Depression, Maybe Intermediate, I think.
Looking back to every line of code I wrote, that's what past 2021 gave me, I think.
The First time I sent an email to my Prof.
The First time I met them.
The Night we went out and have lots of fun.
The Day We Quarrel, and every conversation between us are so weird.
The Night I made it to run Neural Network, MINIST.
2022, I hope I can carry on.
I'm fine.