A hack' n slash game made in C++ with the SDL2 library. Game Installer available here : https://bit.ly/2U2UoFC (To compile the project, you need to have the sdl2 library located at C:\sdl2) Made thanks to the assets and courses from Matthew Carr (https://twitter.com//2HitMatt) https://www.udemy.com/hack-n-slash-sdl2/learn/v4/overview
(16/01/2019) : Add a camera with interpolation that smoothly follows the player around the stage :
(17/01/2019) : Add a new type of enemy (Grob) that just walk towards the player and hurt him if collided with
(17/01/2019) : Add a boss battle encounter after 3 successful waves of enemies slained
(17/01/2019) : Add a UI health bar for the boss and increased the player's health amount
- Spacebar : Start the game / Restart the game
- Escape key : Quit the game
- "W" key : Attack
- "X" key : Dodge/Sprint with invicinbility frame
- "up arrow" key : Move Up
- "down arrow" key : Move Down
- "right arrow" key : Move Right
- "left arrow key" : Move Left
Credit: Course programming, curriculum design, and lectures: Matthew Carr
Project made with C++11 and Visual Studio 2015. The executable file will be included in the final commit.
To compile this project you need to install the following libraries (NOTE : if you're using Visual Studio download the "Development Libraries" version of those libraries, those are the only ones containing the .lib dependencies needed to compile) :
- SDL 2.0 library : available here : https://www.libsdl.org/download-2.0.php follow this guide to install it : https://www.wikihow.com/Set-Up-SDL-with-Visual-Studio-2017
- SDL image library 2.0 : available here : https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_image/ (follow the same steps as above to install it)
- SDL ttf 2.0 : available here : https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_ttf/ (follow the same steps as above to install it)
- SDL mixer 2.0 : available here : https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer/ (follow the same steps as above to install it)