This is an open source Javascript library allow you develop graphics apps, or graphics on web canvas.
In it's first version, CaremJS has two indivially part. The first part is specified in graphics, and the second part specified with video game components. Then now these part was included into one package. CaremJs was initial released from July, 2017 by Bapquad.
CaremJs developed with OOP, clearly. Helps you easy in learning it and make your app with graphics 2D on casvas or make 2D games for web.
Thank you for using CaremJs, we take care and updates it for every time. Every feedback from you wish send to us at github issues.
You can install quickly CaremJS with only.
npm install --save @bapquad/carem
You can start quickly CaremJS with only.
import {Carem} from '@bapquad/carem'
- Getting Start
- Working with Layer
- Working with Symbol
- Working with Filter
- Working with AssetManager
- Physics for game
- Programing with WorldLimit
- Detecting the collision
- Working with Button
- Making a Sprite
- Working with Scroller
- Creating a particle effect
- Layout with Tile
You can learn more about CaremJS API on Github Wiki at here