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Charles Brandt edited this page May 2, 2019 · 1 revision

Welcome to the open-referral-app wiki!

What problem are we solving?

A working Open Referral compatible system for Bloomington and the surrounding community. This 2018 Year in Review document has a nice overview of where the Open Referral standard is at.

Open Referral is an emerging standard for collecting and sharing social services in a community.

The City of Bloomington has started collecting resources for our community in the following Airtable base:

The format of this base follows the Open Referral Data Specification:

For this challenge, the goal is a web-based interface to make this information easily accessible and searchable.

This could be achieved through deploying an existing open-source solution: Others?

However, it is also acceptable to implement a solution from scratch or using a web-application framework.

The City of Bloomington has a Vue-based design system available that could be leveraged for your implementation:

TAXONOMY USED - Human Services and Human Situations

It is also acceptable to export the Airtable data into a local database for the web application. However, this would also require an administration interface for adding and updating information by authorized organizations. This approach would have the benefit of allowing other organizations in our community that collect this information to make updates to the database. These organizations include: United Way Monroe County Library 211 Non Profit Alliance IU etc

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