A virtual geocaching app that lets users collect, combine, and cache digital items to complete collections.
All API requests require JWT Authentication
Legend: (optional param); ?queryparam=; {required param};
Retrieves data for one or all users:
id: [UUID],
email: [user email],
name: [user name],
image_url: [link to image],
Retrieves data for one or all items.
Retrieves data for one or all collections.
Retrieves data for one or all caches. Requires loc query param for current user location to calculate distance. Providing bounds query param and series of bounding box coordinates retrieves all caches inside that region. Cache id query is prioritized over bounding box query.
id: [UUID],
item_name: [string],
item_description: [string],
item_image_url: [string]
createdon: [timestamp],
openedon: [timestamp or null],
longitude: [float],
latitude: [float],
distance: [float (meter distance)]
Uses user's lat/lon to test valid claim distance, and checks for user/cache pair in claims table. If valid, adds cache contents to user's inventory (selecting random item if cache is a "mystery box"), updates cache to set openedon to time of claim (and item_id if needed), and adds user_id and cache_id to claims table to prevent repeated openings.
latitude: *user's latitude*,
longitude: *user's longitude*
Removes item from user's inventory and creates cache containing that item at the user's location.
item_id: *id of item being placed*,
latitude: *user's latitude*,
longitude: *user's longitude*