This is a scaffold assembler designed for stLFR reads[1]. It uses the co-barcoding information from stLFR reads to assemble contigs to scaffolds.
Here is an illustration of this pipeline:
- How to download the source codes.
Clone all codes in 1 step.
git clone --recursive YOUR-DOWNLOAD-DIR --depth 10
Clone step by step
git submodule init
git submodule update
- How to compile source codes and install executable files.
Notice: the will create a new folder named by YOUR-INSTALL-DIR.
- Structure of files in YOUR-INSTALL-DIR
├── scaffold # The pipeline script folder.
│ ├── # The utils script.
│ ├── clean_prepare.m4 # The template clean script.
│ ├── conf.ini # The default configuration file.
│ ├── # The preparation script that generates 1-step executable bash script according to template script and configuration file.
│ ├── # The template 1-step executable script.
│ ├── step_1_prepare_info.m4 # The template step 1 script. Run bwa-mem and parse the sam format mapping information into a series of files
│ ├── step_2_order.m4 # The template step 2 script. Determine the order of contigs to generate basic scaffolds.
│ ├── step_3_orientation.m4 # The template step 3 script. Determine the orientation those contigs in above scaffolds.
│ ├── step_4_pe_fill.m4 # The template step 4 script. Fill short contigs into above scaffolds.
│ ├── step_5_gapsize.m4 # The template step 5 script. Estimate gap sizes between those contigs in above scaffolds.
│ └── step_6_gen_seq.m4 # The template step 6 script. Generate the scaffold sequences based on all above information.
└── bin # The bin folder. Below utils are all binary executable files called by above scripts.
│ ├── BinCluster
│ ├── ChopBin
│ ├── FakeSOAPContig
│ ├── FillTrunkByPE
│ ├── GapSize
│ ├── MST
│ ├── Orientation
│ ├── PEGraph
│ ├── ParseReadName
│ ├── Sam2ReadOnContig
│ ├── ScaffInfo2Seq
│ ├── SeedCluster
│ ├── SplitInfo
│ ├── StaticsticUnique
│ ├── Trunk2ScaffInfo
│ └── test
└── stLFR_barcode_split # a backup script for splitting reads and obtain barcodes
├── barcode_list.txt # the barcode whitelist of stLFR reads
├── # the splitting main script
└── # a easy-to-use swap of
Two input data are required: the stLFR reads and the contigs.
the stLFR reads are required as 2 files :
- your-prefix.read1.your-suffix
- your-prefix.read2.your-suffix
We assume your stLFR reads and barcode information have already been splitted.
If your data have not been splitted yet, then use the split barcode script below:
# if your raw stLFR reads contain more than 1 lane, you need to cat all lines into a single file first!
YOUR-INSTALL-DIR/stLFR_barcode_split/ raw_read1.fq.gz raw_read2.fq.gz
Also, you can try "1.fq_BarcodeSplit" step from stLFR_v1(
The 1st line of the resulting fastq file after read splitting should look like:
@CL100050407L1C002R064_8855#514_1207_1392/1 7 1
the "#514_1207_1392" part is the digital representation of original barcode sequence.
- the contig must follow the SOAPdenovo contig format, which contains 2 files :
- your-prefix.contig
- your-prefix.ContigIndex
Contigs assembled using various assemblers are acceptable. We recommend MaSuRCA[2].
If your contigs generated by an assembler other than SOAPdenovo series, then you can easily convert the contigs to SOAPdenovo format by running:
YOUR-INSTALL-DIR/bin/FakeSOAPContig < your-contig-sequence-file 1>your-prefix.contig 2>your-prefix.ContigIndex
Notice : a file named "" will automatic generate that contains the mapping information about original name to new contig_id. Each re-run of FakeSOAPContig command will overwrite this file!
- 1st. Prepare the conf.ini file
cp YOUR-INSTALL-DIR/scaffold/conf.ini ./your-conf.ini
vim conf.ini # and configure it!
As the input contig quality greatly influences the scaffolding, we recommend to use a high-quality contig set with larger N50 size (At least >10kb).
The default parameters for the bin size (MST_BIN_SIZE, HT_BIN_SIZE, GAP_BIN_SIZE) were optimized for contig N50 20kb-100kb. If your input contigs are shorter, please reduce the three bin sizes (MST_BIN_SIZE ~ a half of contig N50, HT_BIN_SIZ ~ GAP_BIN_SIZE ~ a half of MST_BIN_SIZE).
Other parameters have been optimized based on the stLFR co-barcoded sequencing platform, and do not need to be modified.
- 2nd. Generate the pipeline and work folder
YOUR-INSTALL-DIR/scaffold/ ./your-conf.ini
This command will create a new work folder named by PROJECT_NAME from ./your-conf.ini, which has all pipeline scripts.
Make sure there is no folder using the same name in current path upon running this command.
- 3rd. Run the pipeline
cd your-work-folder
./ >log_pipeline 2>&1 &
Notice : If any error happens in the middle and the running exits upon the last step, you can re-run and it will automatically detect and skip all completed previous steps.
Notice : Independent execution of each step is supported. But to get the correct final output, you must re-run all subsequent steps. That is, re-run step-[n+1 , 6] if you re-run step-n.
- 4th. Organize the final file structure for cleanning.
Notice : please do this ONLY after a sanity-check of everything and make sure the output is reasonable.
This command will store files in three categories : output , logs and tmps .
Your can remove the logs and tmps folders to free disk.
The final output contains 2 files :
YOUR-PREFIX.scaff_seqs # The final scaffold sequence file
YOUR-PREFIX.scaff_agp # Details about how we assemble INPUT into OUTPUT. in AGP[4] format.
# Project Settings.
PROJECT_NAME="work_dir" #name of work dirctory
THREADS=15 #num of threads
# Toos settings
STLFR_ASSEMBLER_DIR=YOUR-INTALL-DIR # stLFR Scaffold Assembler installation directory
BWA_DIR=YOUR-BWA-DIR # BWA installation directory
# Input data settings
# DO NOT USE "../" "~/" "./" !!!
## for input stLFR reads
R1="/home/chr19/chr19_reads1.fq.clean.gz" # the read1 of stLFR reads
R2="/home/chr19/chr19_reads2.fq.clean.gz" # the read2 of stLFR reads
## for input contig
SOAP_DIR="/home/soap_contig" # the input contigs directory
SOAP_K=63 # the used-k-value of SOAPdenovo. If contigs are not generated using SOAPdenovo, then keep it as 63.
PREFIX="chr19_soap2" # the prefix of you contig/ContigIndex
# Control parameter settings
SAMPLING_RATIO=1.0 # random sample barcode to reduce clusting time. valid value : [0.1,1.0]
# for step 1 bwa mem
BWA_K=53 # the mapping k-value for bwa
# for step 2 order
MST_BIN_SIZE=7000 # the unit bin size for order.
MST_BIN_CLUSTER=0.1 # the bin cluster threshold for order.
MST_CLUSTER=0.1 # the order detect threshold.
# for step 3 orientation
HT_BIN_SIZE=3500 # the unit bin size for orientation.
HT_BIN_CLUSTER=0.1 # the bin cluster threshold for orientation.
RANK=4 # the orientaion detect rank.
# for step 4 pe_fill
# please make sure that SEED_MIN >= HT_BIN_SIZE * 2
MAX_INSERT_SIZE=5000 # the max allowed insert size.
PE_SEED_MIN=1000 # the min contig size to fill.
PE_SEARCH_MAX=5000 # the max search length before stop.
PE_MIN_JOINBARCODES=10 # the min joint barcode count.
PE_MIN_COUNT=3 # the min joint PE count.
PE_FILL=5 # the N size between PE-joint contigs.
# for step 5 gap_size
GAP_BIN_SIZE=4000 # the unit bin size for gap
# for step 6 parameters for generate sequence
MIN_SCONTIG=300 # the min sequence length that allows to write into the final scaffolds.
MIN_N=10 # the min N size between 2 gapped contigs.
MIN_C=1 # the min N size between 2 overlaped contigs.
Calculating Jaccard similarities for N*N bins is compute-intensive for large genome (> 1GB).
To reduce the running time, user can open the minhash strategy( random sample barcodes ) by set SAMPLING_RATIO=n (0.1<n<1.0).
Notice: based on our benchmark, the minhash strategy can dramaticly ( faster than linear ) reduce the running-time for large genome but will sightly reduce the quality of final results.
- Requirements
- Linux system && Bash
- gcc ( with std11 support )
- make && m4 ( default for almost every linux distribution)
- Dependency
- We use bwa[3] to map stLFR reads against contigs.
- you may replace this to any tools that can generate the correct SAM output.
- We use bwa[3] to map stLFR reads against contigs.
- Limitations
- We do hope "not bad" contigs, whose N50 >= 15K with "not bad" accuracy.
- Resources
- The memory peak for human-like-genome-size is 150G.
- Some steps support multi-thread :
- bwa part .
- BinCluster part .
[3] Aligning sequence reads, clone sequences and assembly contigs with BWA-MEM
- for algrothim details & discussion
- please contact [email protected] or [email protected]
- for code details & bug report
- please contact [email protected]
- or please creat an issue in github.