Releases: Azure/azure-monitor-baseline-alerts
Releases · Azure/azure-monitor-baseline-alerts
What's Changed
- Fix allowed values for windowSize and evalFrequency in templates by @judyer28 in #525
- Add Activity Log Alerts for Route Table and Route Deletion by @cassiekays in #517
- Fixes bug in
property for metric & log alerts generation for Bicep templates by @feliasson in #503 - Fix alert log templates for ARM and Bicep by @judyer28 in #527
- [GitHub Action - Generate Templates] Generate templates for alerts by @judyer28 in #528
- Deploy to Azure buttons to use URLs to raw files in GitHub by @judyer28 in #529
- Add name policy attribute for metric alerts both static and dynamic by @mortenlerudjordet in #495
- Generate polices based on updated templates by @judyer28 in #533
- Adding LAW alerts to the Web policy initiative by @Brunoga-MS in #523
- Update to FAQ page based on feedback by @kirtpatelmsft in #537
- Fixed issue with mandatory parameter Platform Management group, information about Security Advisories changes by @tagolovina in #531
- AMBA - Update documentation with Elevated access for viewing Security Advisories by @Brunoga-MS in #536
- Policy version check by @Brunoga-MS in #520
- Add documentation for InvalidPolicyParameterUpdate deployment error by @Brunoga-MS in #539
- made changes to Severity inline with Oracle CAF monitoring by @jessiehaessler in #534
- Added support CMK linked storage accounts by @tagolovina in #521
New Contributors
- @feliasson made their first contribution in #503
- @mortenlerudjordet made their first contribution in #495
Full Changelog: 2025-02-05...2025-03-03
What's Changed
- Updating documentation following up the new release by @Brunoga-MS in #478
- Updating documentation following up the latest release by @Brunoga-MS in #479
- Update amba-workload-issue.yml by @judyer28 in #483
- AMBA - Feedback survey link on the welcome page by @Brunoga-MS in #488
- Policy Initiative and Activity Log table documentation update by @Brunoga-MS in #481
- Arg query optimization by @Brunoga-MS in #484
- Documentation by @Brunoga-MS in #490
- Add navigation links to various AMBA-ALZ documentation pages by @ppascan in #491
- fixed link to "Moving from preview to GA" by @tagolovina in #494
- fix: ALZ Pattern add missing
to fix PG bug by @jtracey93 in #499 - Refresh policy templates in services policy directories by @judyer28 in #486
- Bump gaurav-nelson/github-action-markdown-link-check from 1.0.15 to 1.0.16 by @dependabot in #497
- FAQ page update by @kirtpatelmsft in #493
- Setupdri by @alisakina99 in #485
- fix: adjust syntax for amba-vm team reference by @oZakari in #501
- syntax errors in yml files by @jfaurskov in #506
- Adding capability to exclude logical volumes by @Brunoga-MS in #498
- Missing identity assignment by @Brunoga-MS in #511
New Contributors
- @jtracey93 made their first contribution in #499
- @alisakina99 made their first contribution in #485
- @oZakari made their first contribution in #501
Full Changelog: 2025-01-10...2025-02-05
What's Changed
- Updating documentation following up the new release by @Brunoga-MS in #478
- Updating documentation following up the latest release by @Brunoga-MS in #479
- Update amba-workload-issue.yml by @judyer28 in #483
- AMBA - Feedback survey link on the welcome page by @Brunoga-MS in #488
- Policy Initiative and Activity Log table documentation update by @Brunoga-MS in #481
- Arg query optimization by @Brunoga-MS in #484
- Documentation by @Brunoga-MS in #490
- Add navigation links to various AMBA-ALZ documentation pages by @ppascan in #491
- fixed link to "Moving from preview to GA" by @tagolovina in #494
- fix: ALZ Pattern add missing
to fix PG bug by @jtracey93 in #499 - Refresh policy templates in services policy directories by @judyer28 in #486
- Bump gaurav-nelson/github-action-markdown-link-check from 1.0.15 to 1.0.16 by @dependabot in #497
- FAQ page update by @kirtpatelmsft in #493
- Setupdri by @alisakina99 in #485
- fix: adjust syntax for amba-vm team reference by @oZakari in #501
New Contributors
- @jtracey93 made their first contribution in #499
- @alisakina99 made their first contribution in #485
- @oZakari made their first contribution in #501
Full Changelog: 2025-01-10...2025-01-10-hotfix
What's Changed
- Adding "What's New" Section to AMBA by @kirtpatelmsft in #444
- Adds terraform-sync parameters by @arjenhuitema in #452
- Property name case consistency and remediation script rename by @Brunoga-MS in #455
- New release documentation for 2024-12-10 by @Brunoga-MS in #454
- AVD Alerts - Alert for Host Pool Capacity would not fire by @JCoreMS in #453
- Portal accelerator bug by @Brunoga-MS in #460
- added baseline alerts for oracle on azure iaas by @jessiehaessler in #449
- Fix policyDefinitionId format by @arjenhuitema in #465
- AVD Alerts v2.2.0 update - docs, sub opt for LAW & AzFiles, bug fixes #315 and #457 by @JCoreMS in #466
- fix: evaluationPeriods naming by @arjenhuitema in #468
- Add Application Insights alerts by @ymehdimsft in #314
- Adding Alert Processing Rule flexibility based on severity filters by @Alboroni in #456
- Updating Override threshold with samples by @Brunoga-MS in #463
- Networkalerts by @tagolovina in #474
- Provide deployment of alert policy definitions from Azure Resources section of AMBA website by @judyer28 in #467
- Deleted Preview from Accelerator by @tagolovina in #477
New Contributors
- @jessiehaessler made their first contribution in #449
Full Changelog: 2024-12-10...2025-01-10
What's Changed
- Updating documentation following to the latest release by @Brunoga-MS in #406
- Fix MachineLearningServices links in AI landing page by @Akiliu0512 in #407
- SAP AMBA update - bulk alerts by @humblejay in #408
- Assignees in issue templates by @jfaurskov in #412
- Inlcude 🚁 in labels by @jfaurskov in #415
- Fix for log alerts policy remediation not working when ALZMonitorDisableTagName parameter value contains dashes by @Brunoga-MS in #400
- JCore-SpecWrkLoads-AVDAlerts-Fix deployment name length issues by @JCoreMS in #421
- Update visibility of metrics in Cognitive Services alerts configuration by @cassiekays in #422
- Update API version to 2023-07-01 for deployments in ARM and Bicep templates by @JoeyBarnes in #425
- Update visibility of metrics in alerts configuration to false for alerts that are not configured properly by @JoeyBarnes in #427
- Update alert description for ProbeAgentCurrentEndpointStateByProfileResourceId to remove quotes around "Enabled" by @JoeyBarnes in #429
- [GitHub Action - Generate Templates] Generate templates for alerts by @JoeyBarnes in #430
- Github action to validate yml schemas by @jfaurskov in #434
- Remove Template Should Not Contain Blanks test by @jfaurskov in #436
- Assign VM and Hybrid VM initiatives to Platform MG by @Brunoga-MS in #435
- Add Hybrid Compute Machine Alerts YAML by @judyer28 in #446
- Acrolinx and Menu Updates by @ppascan in #409
- [GitHub Action - Generate Templates] Generate templates for alerts by @judyer28 in #450
- Updating broken links by @Brunoga-MS in #451
Full Changelog: 2024-11-01...2024-12-10
What's Changed
- Patch release 2024-09-02 by @arjenhuitema in #319
- Updated infra monitoring Grafana dashboard thresholds by @judyer28 in #321
- Update Grafana section with new URL to Grafana Azure Library by @judyer28 in #324
- Ensure -WhatIf parameter is honored by all scripts commands and fix hybrid disconnected alert bug by @Brunoga-MS in #323
- Updating documentation by @Brunoga-MS in #329
- Updated documentation to clarify target parent management identification by @Brunoga-MS in #330
- Adding the timezone for Italy North region by @cvitale in #297
- AMBA Update diagrams by @ymehdimsft in #325
- Homepage Update by @kirtpatelmsft in #338
- [GitHub Action - Generate Templates] Generate templates for alerts by @JoeyBarnes in #339
- Adding the remediation command for Recovery Services by @Brunoga-MS in #341
- Github issue link and Management Subscription Id fix by @tagolovina in #342
- Typo fix on packs documentation page by @riosengineer in #343
- Add CPU, Memory, and Storage usage alerts for AVS private clouds by @Mahesh-MSFT in #344
- Alerts ASR Modify Policy by @roarrioj in #334
- changed loop in AVD alerts by @yshafner in #337
- Update useCommonSchema to useCommonAlertSchema in
Policy Definitions by @haflidif in #346 - Remove GitHub Actions workflow for security compliance requirements by @arjenhuitema in #358
- Resolve the ExpressRoute QoS remediation issue by @arjenhuitema in #357
- Add workflow and tests by @jfaurskov in #368
- added missing GUIDs for AVS by @JoeyBarnes in #370
- Fix role assignment for c_desktopRead array to index of 4 vs 6 by @JCoreMS in #361
- adding AMLFS alerting by @jhajduk-microsoft in #375
- Consolidate maintenance scripts by @Brunoga-MS in #352
- Standardization on param usage for failingPeriods and evaluationPeriods by @Brunoga-MS in #362
- Azure Open AI pattern and metrics by @cassiekays in #377
- Added alert for AI search service by @didayal-msft in #380
- updated the AI landing page location and TOC by @JoeyBarnes in #378
- Bugged Connectivity policy initiative + override tag name case consistency + tag override documentation update by @Brunoga-MS in #381
- Added alerts for Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces by @didayal-msft in #384
- Update AI landing page to include PaaS and AI Specialized Workload Patterns sections by @Akiliu0512 in #385
- Update to homepage - Enhanced E2E Customer Journey table by @kirtpatelmsft in #386
- Fix ARM-ttk issue by @jfaurskov in #382
- Update to homepage - graphic enhancements by @kirtpatelmsft in #388
- Adding workflow to check for policy build by @arjenhuitema in #392
- Initial commit by @jfaurskov in #393
- adding alert for not responding runs after discussion with ML PG by @didayal-msft in #396
- Updated version for Microsoft.Resources/deployments by @JoeyBarnes in #401
- changed two AOAI alerts to visible with the proper thresholds by @cassiekays in #395
- [GitHub Action - Generate Templates] Generate templates for alerts by @JoeyBarnes in #389
- changed old alerts to visible false. changed index to visible by @cassiekays in #402
- Update AI Pattern GPT-RAG alert page by @Akiliu0512 in #397
- Fix arm tests by @jfaurskov in #404
- [GitHub Action - Generate Templates] Generate templates for alerts by @JoeyBarnes in #403
New Contributors
- @cvitale made their first contribution in #297
- @kirtpatelmsft made their first contribution in #338
- @riosengineer made their first contribution in #343
- @roarrioj made their first contribution in #334
- @yshafner made their first contribution in #337
- @haflidif made their first contribution in #346
- @jfaurskov made their first contribution in #368
- @didayal-msft made their first contribution in #380
- @Akiliu0512 made their first contribution in #385
Full Changelog: 2024-09-02...2024-11-01
What's Changed
- Added new policies for ExpressRoute Ports to Connectivity table. by @bzabber in #239
- Fixed casing in metadata by @anwather in #220
- feat: fix casing in policies by @steph409 in #238
- Update alzArm.param.json to match documentation by @powershellpr0mpt in #236
- Azure front door monitoring pattern updates by @Dost2010 in #226
- User Story 34272 : AMBA - Documentation update about unsupported/unrecommended Tenant Root Group deployment by @ymehdimsft in #247
- Update Release notes by @arjenhuitema in #251
- Update to documentation for June 2024 the 5th release by @Brunoga-MS in #241
- Resolve issue #237. by @bzabber in #252
- Updates to by @bzabber in #249
- JCore-AVDPattern-Fix-Issue-221 by @JCoreMS in #256
- Monitor disable parameters by @Brunoga-MS in #246
- Portal accelerator by @tagolovina in #227
- Alert for daily data capping limit reached for Log Analytics workspaces by @Brunoga-MS in #259
- Updated documentation by @Brunoga-MS in #258
- Fixing latency alert display name by @Brunoga-MS in #263
- Feature/agw dynamic alerts by @cdomansky in #257
- Fixed alert storm and default values for daily cap alert by @Brunoga-MS in #265
- Added/updated Compute/virtualMachines by @Pla5ma in #217
- Networking Use case pattern for monitoring V1 by @Dost2010 in #266
- refactor: Update query for VM heartbeat alert criteria by @Brunoga-MS in #269
- Added a GitHub Actions Workflow to generate ARM and Bicep templates by @JoeyBarnes in #271
- Add permissions for generate-templates Action to create PR by @JoeyBarnes in #274
- [GitHub Action - Generate Templates] Generate templates for alerts by @JoeyBarnes in #275
- Added param to drive cuaId usage when deployed from ALZ portal accele… by @Brunoga-MS in #276
- Disable PR creation in Generate Template action. by @JoeyBarnes in #279
- Workflow to auto update ALZ policies by @arjenhuitema in #283
- Updating documentation by @Brunoga-MS in #285
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #286
- Aligning Dev branch with threshold override dev branch by @Brunoga-MS in #290
- Adding Managed HSM Alerts by @ppascan in #295
- chore: Update policy definitions and policy set definitions by @Brunoga-MS in #294
- Dev alz patterrn docs by @Brunoga-MS in #293
- Automatically generated policies for all Metrics by @arjenhuitema in #298
- Updated policy tab for individual alerts to utilize new templated policy generation process by @JoeyBarnes in #299
- Update Policy File names by @arjenhuitema in #300
- Updated Grafana visualization Section by @judyer28 in #303
- Portal by @tagolovina in #310
- Added alert for AppInsights Throttling by @Brunoga-MS in #313
- Fixed HybridDisconnected alert with the temporary workaround by @Brunoga-MS in #316
- Bump github/super-linter from 6 to 7 by @dependabot in #318
- ALZ Pattern Update by @arjenhuitema in #317
New Contributors
- @anwather made their first contribution in #220
- @powershellpr0mpt made their first contribution in #236
- @cdomansky made their first contribution in #257
- @Pla5ma made their first contribution in #217
- @ppascan made their first contribution in #295
Full Changelog: 2024-06-05...2024-09-02
What's Changed
- Update AVS alerts configuration by @Mahesh-MSFT in #189
- amba monitoring update for azure load balancer by @Dost2010 in #191
- Update AVS alerts configuration by @Mahesh-MSFT in #193
- Fixed a typo in Dynamic alert configuration by @JoeyBarnes in #200
- Bump github/super-linter from 5 to 6 by @dependabot in #202
- SAP Monitor Alerts Update 1 by @humblejay in #197
- Add vSphere DRS Automation Level configuration for on-premises VCenter Server by @Mahesh-MSFT in #201
- SAP Alerts Update 2 by @humblejay in #209
- Bryanzab/us31386 by @bzabber in #196
- Fixing compliance evaluation issues by @Brunoga-MS in #192
- (fix) case sensitive parameters in policies by @steph409 in #187
- Update by @tagolovina in #171
- Product Group review by @rvandenbedem in #216
- Write up for load balancer and minor adjustment. by @Dost2010 in #211
- Adding PID for different additional deployment methods by @Brunoga-MS in #218
- Grafana infra monitor amba thresholds json file updates by @judyer28 in #219
- SAP monitoring updates 3 by @humblejay in #225
- Adding Hybrid alerts by @Brunoga-MS in #212
- Adding Deploy to Azure functionality to alerts by @JoeyBarnes in #232
- Updated README to fix maintenance stats updates by @JoeyBarnes in #234
New Contributors
- @Dost2010 made their first contribution in #191
- @humblejay made their first contribution in #197
- @steph409 made their first contribution in #187
- @rvandenbedem made their first contribution in #216
Full Changelog: 2024-04-12...2024-06-05
What's Changed
- Feature configuration drift by @arjenhuitema in #78
- Updated export alerts utility by @JoeyBarnes in #137
- Added Release notes 2024-03-01 by @arjenhuitema in #136
- Initial commit for AMBA for AVS by @Mahesh-MSFT in #139
- fixing links Policy-Initiatives and FAQ by @paulschermers in #94
- Fix operator in SNATPortUtilization AzureFirewall alert by @emanuel-metzenthin in #140
- Adding Feature compliance drift by @arjenhuitema in #121
- Revised the alert threshold and severity by @Mahesh-MSFT in #141
- Added Telemetry Tracking to Bicep and ARM Templates by @JoeyBarnes in #142
- added examples of workbooks to visualize alerts and key metrics by @cassiekays in #145
- Changed Services to Azure Resources by @JoeyBarnes in #148
- fixed image not rendering (ln 20) by @cassiekays in #150
- Updated welcome pages and contribution guide to reflect name change by @JoeyBarnes in #149
- Storage Updates and Virtual Desktop Add (Hidden) by @JCoreMS in #147
- Updated to account for alerts without references by @JoeyBarnes in #151
- Updated issues with ARM templates by @JoeyBarnes in #152
- Updated issues with ARM templates by @JoeyBarnes in #153
- Fixed threshold value in template by @JoeyBarnes in #154
- AMBA Update deployment documentation with release tags by @ymehdimsft in #157
- AMBA - Allow for alert notification suppression during resources maintenance by @Brunoga-MS in #143
- Updated auto-generated alerts with new data mining and made them visible. by @JoeyBarnes in #160
- Fixing visibility issue with PowerShell ExecutionPolicy by @Brunoga-MS in #158
- Hid visualizations currently under development by @judyer28 in #163
- Added VM Log alerts back in by @JoeyBarnes in #164
- Fixed issue with export-alerts by @JoeyBarnes in #165
- AMBA - Allow Action Group to be created having the email NOT mandatory by @Brunoga-MS in #161
- Fixing bug in the Deploy Activity Log Storage Account Delete Alert by @Brunoga-MS in #166
- JCore - Update VM Disk Alerts Query by @JCoreMS in #172
- Hpc alerting amba by @jhajduk-microsoft in #176
- Fixed an issue in and a misconfiguration for NetApp… by @JoeyBarnes in #178
- Add additional alerts to be configured by @Mahesh-MSFT in #174
- Update by @tagolovina in #170
- JCore-FixAVD_Deployment_Failure by @JCoreMS in #180
- Bump actions/configure-pages from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #183
- Adding monitoring packs docs by @josefehse in #188
- Bryanzab/us31386 by @bzabber in #173
- AMBA - Use Existing Action Groups and/or Alert Processing Rules (BYON) by @Brunoga-MS in #168
New Contributors
- @Mahesh-MSFT made their first contribution in #139
- @paulschermers made their first contribution in #94
- @emanuel-metzenthin made their first contribution in #140
- @ymehdimsft made their first contribution in #157
- @jhajduk-microsoft made their first contribution in #176
- @tagolovina made their first contribution in #170
- @josefehse made their first contribution in #188
Full Changelog: 2024-03-01...2024-04-12
What's Changed
- Update by @Brunoga-MS in #73
- Release 2023-11-14 by @arjenhuitema in #74
- New known issue during deployment by @Brunoga-MS in #77
- Change to forward slashes by @arjenhuitema in #79
- Added notes and references to auto generated alerts, noted discrepancies in the ALZ and Auto generated alert by @cassiekays in #60
- Bump actions/deploy-pages from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #84
- Bump actions/configure-pages from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #83
- Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #85
- Added Azure Cache for Redis Alerts by @judyer28 in #90
- Container Registry Alerts by @judyer28 in #91
- Alerts for Application Gateway References, SQL Managed Instances and Sql Server Databases by @sihbher in #88
- Cosmos DB Alerts by @judyer28 in #98
- Bump actions/deploy-pages from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #96
- Logic Apps Alerts by @judyer28 in #99
- Update hugo-site-build.yml by @JoeyBarnes in #100
- Update hugo-site-build.yml by @JoeyBarnes in #101
- Checked AKS auto generated alerts and made some visible based on docs by @judyer28 in #104
- Alerts Guidance for Azure Function Apps/ ExpressRoute/ Storage by @cassiekays in #95
- Fixed references array formatting by @JoeyBarnes in #107
- Added folders for Databricks and Service Fabric by @judyer28 in #109
- Updated App Service Web Apps Alerts by @judyer28 in #108
- Updated to account for empty yaml file by @JoeyBarnes in #110
- AMBA Decoupling Service Health, Alert Rules and Action Groups by @Brunoga-MS in #92
- JCore - Initial AVD Pattern Add from AVD Accelerator by @JCoreMS in #113
- JCore - AVD Initial w/ URL Fixes by @JCoreMS in #114
- Added Visualization section and Azure Managed Grafana page by @judyer28 in #115
- Removing Secure Webhook from notifications for both general and SH by @Brunoga-MS in #112
- Update hugo-build-pr-check.yml by @JoeyBarnes in #117
- Completing work items #32151, #32068, #31953 by @Brunoga-MS in #111
- Aligning naming conventions for action groups and alert processing rules with CAF guidance by @Brunoga-MS in #119
- Merging Dev into main to include latest commits about work items #32151, #32068, #31953 by @Brunoga-MS in #118
- Fixing SA delete alert resource type by @Brunoga-MS in #120
- Adding Data Factory; factories AMBA recommendations by @cassiekays in #123
- Updating remediation script and documentation by @Brunoga-MS in #124
- Update AMA guidance by @arjenhuitema in #129
- Grafana Infra Monitor Dashboard AMBA Thresholds JSON File by @judyer28 in #132
- Made EventHubs alerts visible by @JoeyBarnes in #133
- Made Cdn.Profiles alerts visible by @JoeyBarnes in #134
New Contributors
- @cassiekays made their first contribution in #60
- @judyer28 made their first contribution in #90
- @JCoreMS made their first contribution in #113
Full Changelog: 2023-11-14...2024-03-01