Utilities for creating primers for site directed mutagenesis
Design a forward primer for SDM.
dna_seq (str): DNA sequence to mutate.
wt_resn (str): Wildtype residue.
mut_resi (int): Residue position to mutate.
mut_resn (str): Mutant residue.
max_pad (int): Maximum number of nucleotides to pad the codon with. Default is 20.
min_pad (int): Minimum number of nucleotides to pad the codon with. Default is 10.
primer_conc (float): Primer concentration in nM. Default is 500.
GC_3prime (bool): Filter forward primers so that 3' is G or C . Default is True.
GC_5prime (bool): Filter forward primers so that 5' is G or C . Default is False.
TM_target (float): Target melting temperature. Default is 70.
polymerase (str): Polymerase used for PCR. Default is 'Phusion'.
verbose (bool): Print information about primer design. Default is False.
GC_max (float): Maximum GC content. Default is 0.8.
TM_diff_max (float): Optional: Maximum allowable difference in melting temperature between forward and reverse primers. Default is None.
show_gap (bool): Add gap to primer to indicate where codon is. Default is True.
primer_df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe containing all possible primers.
- primer_design.codon_table['CODON'] -> 'AMINO ACID'
- primer_design.codon_freq['CODON'] -> FREQ
- Get the highest frequency codon for a given amino acid
- Args: target_resn (str): target amino acid
- Returns: codon (str)
- Example: highest_freq_codon('A') -> 'GCG'
- primer_design.gc_content('GCAA') -> 0.5
primer_design.calculate_tm_nearest_neighbor(primer_sequence, primer_conc (in nM), polymerase) SUPPORTED_POLYMERASES:
- Phusion
- Phusion Hot Start Flex
- Q5
- Q5 Hot Start
- Q5 Blood Direct
- Q5U Hot Start
- OneTaq
- OneTaq Hot Start
- Hot Start Taq
- Taq
- LongAmp Taq
- LongAmp Hot Start Taq
- Hemo KlenTaq
- EpiMark Hot Start