These are my personal dotfiles and they're designed to work on both OSX and Linux. This contains my custom VIM setup that actually works on Windows as well.
- tmux
- vim
- ack
- a few simple tools I use including Git completion
- Homebrew for OSX
- git
- vim
- tmux
- ctags
I don't recommend that you clone this repo and use it. It's fine to go through and look at my settings though.
I set this up by cloning the entire thing to ~/Dropbox/dotfiles. I don't sync them across machines with Git - I just use Dropbox, and use Git to version and share them.
I then symlink things appropriately.
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.bash_profile ~/.bash_profile
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.bash_osx ~/.bash_osx
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.vim ~/.vim
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.slate ~/.slate
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.gemrc ~/.gemrc
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.irbrc ~/.irbrc
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.git_completion.bash ~/.git_completion.bash
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.tmux.osx.clipboard ~/.tmux.osx.clipboard
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.tmux.linux.clipboard ~/.tmux.linux.clipboard
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.ackrc ~/.ackrc
I also create a bin/ folder and symlink the files in bin/ in there.
mkdir -p ~/bin
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/bin/battery ~/bin/battery
Once that's all set I use Vundle to install the vim plugins. I made an alias to keep this updated.
Again, I don't recommend that you clone this and use it. It's not really designed for that.