Implementing a CLI HTTP 1.1 client from (mostly) scratch in Rust, using:
- Clap for argument parsing
- hyperium/http for HTTP request/response types
- This crate is intended to be a set of "common" types, so theoretically this client could work with any other rust code that expects request/response types from this crate
- Please dont actually use it like that, use another library that's properly maintained
- native_tls for HTTPS support using native OS implementations
Building request messages and parsing response messages is all manually done for fun.
cURL-inspired, of course.
# GET request (shows response body)
$ httpc get
# GET request but verbose (includes response headers)
$ httpc get -v
# GET request but very verbose (includes request HTTP message + Response headers)
$ httpc get -vv
# Query parameters are provided in the URI (make sure you escape the characters according to your shell)
$ httpc get ''
# POST request with data (Content-Length is automatically calculated and set, you only need to provide Content-Type)
$ httpc post -h 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"cool": 1}'
# POST request with data from a file
$ httpc post -h 'Content-Type: application/json' -f ./data.json
# GET request and save response body to a file
$ httpc get -o ./file.json
# GET request and follow redirects
$ httpc get -lv
cargo build
This builds a debug release for your current platform, for release builds use --release
and for other platforms see the rustup docs
School gave me this as an assignment. They suggested C, Go, Python, Java, or NodeJS. I wanted to learn Rust, so I get to enjoy borrow-checking.
(?) = If I have time
- (?) Reuse connection for following redirects? (map host -> connection?)
- (?) Return
? Display headers while the body loads (or even incrementally display body?) - (?) Progress bar?