Athenz v1.8.25 Release
The Athenz team is happy to announce the availability of v1.8.25 release of Athenz. This release includes the following set of bug fixes and enhancements.
#700 fix UI open redirect vulnerability
#702 mTLS bound access tokens
#705 adding support for role level system meta attributes
#706 remove v2 httpcertsigner
#707 Proper check for Role Authority principals
#708 expose add-tenant/delete-tenant apis in zms-cli
#714 provide -csr option to only display csr
#715 adding feature to ignore unknown properties in zms & zts clients
#716 syncer update to include auditEnabled flag for domain and roles
#717 browser and UI server can access ZMS by different hostname
#718 keeping default value false for domain auditEnabled flag
#722 make id token max timeout configurable
If you would like to report a bug or suggest an enhancement, please file an issue on the Athenz GitHub page:
Best Regards,
Athenz Development Team