Athenz v1.12.11 Release
What's Changed
- extract access token request body into its own class by @havetisyan in #2875
- update go image to 1.23 for docker builds by @havetisyan in #2874
- Resource ownership override support using a special keyword by @abvaidya in #2877
- support client_assertion with jwt bearer token by @havetisyan in #2878
- update ui dependencies by @ArtjomsPorss in #2880
- Rename TokenRequest classes to TokenScope for correct representation by @havetisyan in #2881
- rename request->scope objects + test classes by @havetisyan in #2882
- rename body->request class name for correct representation by @havetisyan in #2884
- Update slack handle error logic & handle null in PendingRoleMembershi… by @chandrasekhar1996 in #2883
- expose client assertion parameter for access token call by @havetisyan in #2885
- fix minor typos and Go imports order by @dmitris in #2886
- functional test - fix slack channel test by @ArtjomsPorss in #2887
- update java and go dependencies to their latest releases by @havetisyan in #2889
Full Changelog: v1.12.10...v1.12.11