A Full Stack MERN Developer and a Aspiring Software Engineer, currently in my final year(2023 Batch) as a student pursuing B.Tech In Computer Science at Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana. I am learning new data structures while reinforcing my past knowledge and improving my knowledge of software developer concepts. Actively Looking for SDE and SDE-Intern Roles.
🌱 I’m currently learning Java, Flutter and Advance Data Structures.
👯 My Portfolio at Website and Resume at Resume Showcase.
🤝 I’m looking for help with Data Structures and Algorithms, Competitive Programming.
👓💻 All of my projects are available at Project Showcase.
💬 Ask me about Web Development, Mobile Development, Data Structures, Java and CP.
📫 How to reach me my mail: [email protected] and My Social Linktree at Web Linktree.
📄 My PDF Resume is available Google Drive Link.
⚡ Fun fact After all it’s all 0’s and 1’s.
🎇 Github Metrics
Take a look at my Projects, my highlighted, pinned repos and lets work together. Kudos
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