VERITAS-NLI : Validation and Extraction of Reliable Information Through Automated Scraping and Natural Language Inference
This repository contains the artifacts for our paper titled VERITAS-NLI : Validation and Extraction of Reliable Information Through Automated Scraping and Natural Language Inference
, accepted and published in EAAI - Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.
Our Proposed solution utilizes Real-Time Web Scraping
and Natural Language Inference(NLI)
Models for the task of Fake News Detection :
- Dynamic web scraping allows for real-time external knowledge retrieval for the fact-checking of headlines.
- Natural Language Inference models are used to find support for the claimed headline in the web scraped text, to ascertain the veracity of an input headline

├── Liar.csv #LIAR Dataset used to train the Classical ML and BERT Models
├── Test_dataset(FINAL).csv #Our new evaluation dataset of curated and synthetic headlines
├── classical_ml_EVAL
│ ├── Classical_ml_EVAL.csv #Predictions from our Classical ML models on the evaluation dataset
│ └── *.ipynb #Notebooks used to train and test out classical baseline models
├── classical_ml_LIAR
│ └── *.ipynb
│ ├── BERT_eval.csv #Predictions from our fine-tuned BERT model on the evaluation dataset
│ └── BERT_eval.ipynb #Notebook to compute baseline BERT predictions and results.
├── Pipeline_Article.ipynb
├── Pipeline_QNA.ipynb
├── Pipeline_SLM(Mistral).ipynb
├── Pipeline_SLM(Phi).ipynb
├── FactCC_Results #Contains the results for our pipelines utilizing FactCC as the NLI model
│ ├── Pipeline_Article.csv
│ ├── Pipeline_QNA.csv
│ ├── Pipeline_SLM(Mistral).csv
│ └── Pipeline_SLM(Phi).csv
├── Pipeline_Results_FactCC.ipynb #Computation of metrics for the pipelines utilizing FactCC
├── SummaC_Results #Contains the results for our pipelines utilizing SummaC (ZS and Conv) as the NLI model
│ ├── Pipeline_Article.csv
│ ├── Pipeline_QNA.csv
│ ├── Pipeline_SLM(Mistral).csv
│ └── Pipeline_SLM(Phi).csv
├── Pipeline_Results_SummaC.ipynb #Computation of SummaC threshold and metrics for the pipelines utilizing SummaC(ZS and Conv)
├── SentenceLevelPred.ipynb #Explainability Module
├── Efficiency test
│ ├── Efficiency_Test.ipynb #Computes the average execution time for each step of our pipeline
│ └── *.csv #Contain the results for the execution times for each of our different pipelines and their configurations
├── unique_decisions.ipynb #Used to generate the venn-diagram plots of unique correct-incorrect decisions
├── #Contains selenium function used for web-scraping in the QNA and LLM pipelines
└── requirements.txt
Preprint -
= 1: Given the high representational power of BERT and its pre-trained nature, a single epoch is often sufficient to fine-tune the model. Experimental results found that using a greater number of epochs leads to model overfitting.per_device_train_batch_size
= 16 andper_device_eval_batch_size
= 32: Smaller batch sizes for training help in maintaining a balance between memory usage and effective learning.warmup_steps
= 100: Implementing a warmup phase at the beginning of training where learning rates are gradually increased helps in stabilizing the learning process, preventing the model from converging too quickly to a sub-optimal solution.learning_rate
= 5e-5: This Learning rate is found to be most suitable for many models for the Adam Optimizer which was used in this particular model training.weight_decay
= 0.001: This helps in regularizing the model and preventing over-fitting, which is crucial for a model as large as BERT.fp16
= True: This enables the model to train faster and consume less memory while maintaining the training precision, making it feasible to train larger models or use larger batch sizes.