Simple but powerful library that aims to add Ecto-like support for graph databases in Elixir.
The goal here is to provide users with friendly API that allows quick development of advanced applications which could benefit from using graph database.
Do you need graph database? You may find some answers here and here.
Most popular engine for those is Neo4j thus this library focuses on providing full support for it, but there are more services, like Memgraph or Amazon Neptune. All of them share similar functionalities and are based on the same network protocol (Bolt) and query language (Cypher) so it's easy to switch between them.
Currently only simple quering using raw Cypher queries is implemented, but there are few items on the Roadmap.
There were already few attempts to write a driver for Bolt protocol but all of them seem to be clumsy in terms of protocol logic - many things are "hardcoded" as in the docs instead of being thought out for the server's operation and coding a reusable solution. They are not taking advantage of Elixir structs, protocols and behaviours to provide robust extensibility.
Secondly, those libs are just a driver and this library purpose is to provide complete user experience when interacting with the DB.
This should be solved by building Ecto-like support for the Cypher query language.
At this point, it's worth noting that this library may not be faster than bolt_sips
or boltx
due to greater usage of Protocols and structs.
You can modify tasks from example_app
to benchmark those on your data.
The package can be installed by adding neo4ex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:neo4ex, "~> 0.1.0"}
Configuration is very similar to the Ecto, so the ones familiar with it should have no problem understanding it.
Create module that will act as a connection process
defmodule MyApp.Neo4jConnection do use Neo4ex.Connector, otp_app: :my_app end
Define connection params in config
config :my_app, MyApp.Neo4jConnection, hostname: "localhost", # required port: 7687, # default principal: "neo4j", # optional credentials: "neo4j", # optional
to yourapplication.ex
children = [ # Starts the database connection pool MyApp.Neo4jConnection ]
Query database using
andNeo4ex.Cypher.Query %Neo4ex.Cypher.Query{query: "MATCH (n) RETURN n"} )
Ecto-like Cypher DSL is one of the things that are on the Roadmap
This repository contains small app that starts Neo4ex connection and Neo4j server.
After running docker-compose up
go to the web interface (http://localhost:7474
) and execute import command:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///example_data/customers-10000.csv' AS row
CALL apoc.create.node(['Elixir.ExampleApp.Schema.Customer'], row) YIELD node
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///example_data/organizations-10000.csv' AS row
CALL apoc.create.node(['Elixir.ExampleApp.Schema.Organization'], row) YIELD node
MATCH (c:`Elixir.ExampleApp.Schema.Customer`), (o:`Elixir.ExampleApp.Schema.Organization`) WHERE =
After that you can start application located in example_app
and play with the data.
- Implement Database driver using latest Bolt Protocol (v4+)
- Add support for Neo4j Routing & Clustering
- Build simple DSL for Cypher query language
- Add support for mapping Nodes & Relationships to any struct