This repository contains the implementation of the code for the paper "Nested Expectations with Kernel Quadrature"
To install the required packages, run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To reproduce the results for the synthetic experiment (Figure 2 (Left)), run the following command:
python --seed 0 --kernel_x matern --kernel_theta matern --N_T_ratio 1.0 --d 1
You can vary the dimension by altering the argument '--d 1'.
To reproduce the results for the finance experiment (Figure 2 (Middle)), run:
python --eps 0.003
To reproduce the results for the health economics experiment (Figure 2 (Right)), run:
python --eps 0.01 --kernel 'rbf'
To reproduce the results for the bayesian optimization experiment (Figure 3), run:
python --utility lookahead_EI_kq --dataset ackley --kernel matern --dim 2 --delta 0.01 --q 2 --iterations 30 --seed 0