The system tests verify the end-to-end deployment of MVD, including:
- That the Identity Hub contains Verifiable Credentials deployed by the CD pipeline.
- That EDC Connectors can interact to populate a federated catalog, and copying a file from a provider (
) to a consumer (company2
) blob storage account.
System tests are run both in local deployment (using docker compose) and in the Azure cloud.
EDC, RegistrationService and IdentityHub are available as Maven artifacts. Thus, MVD
can be built by running the
following command from the root of the MVD
project folder:
./gradlew build -x test
system tests can be executed locally against a localMVD
runs threeEDC Connectors
and oneRegistration Service
Note: Ensure that you are able to build MVD
locally as described in the previous section.
First, we need to build the EDC Connector
and RegistrationService
runtimes. As we are running MVD
locally, we
include useFsVault
to indicate that the system will be using the local file-system based key vault.
From the MVD
root folder, execute the following command to build the connector JAR and registration service JAR:
./gradlew -DuseFsVault="true" :launchers:connector:shadowJar
./gradlew -DuseFsVault="true" :launchers:registrationservice:shadowJar
Then, to bring up the dataspace, please execute the following command from the MVD
root folder:
docker-compose -f system-tests/docker-compose.yml up --build
Note for Windows PowerShell, the following commands should be used from the MVD
project root:
docker-compose -f system-tests/docker-compose.yml up --build
Once completed, following services will start within their docker containers:
- 3
EDC Connectors
- company1
- company2
- company3
- A
Registration Service
- A
HTTP Nginx Server
(to serve DID Documents) - An
blob storage service
(EDC Connectors will also be seeded with initial required data using a postman collection)
Note, the
docker container will automatically stop after seeding initial data from postman scripts.
The container
will turn into the statehealthy
after registering successfully all participants.
Sample for confirming successful run of container cli-tools
docker ps -a
22345bf0c595 system-tests_cli-tools "/bin/sh -c \"/app/en…" About a minute ago Up About a minute (healthy) cli-tools
Set the environment variable TEST_ENVIRONMENT
to local
to enable local blob transfer test and then run MVD
test using the following command:
./gradlew :system-tests:test -DincludeTags="ComponentTest,EndToEndTest"
Note for Windows PowerShell, the following commands should be used:
./gradlew :system-tests:test
Storage Explorer can be used to connect to the
storage container on127.0.0.1:10000
port and under theconsumereuassets
account, the transferred blob can be viewed.
The following test resources are provided in order to run MVD
locally. system-tests/docker-compose.yml
uses it to
start MVD
Each EDC Connector
has its own set of Private and Public keys in PEM and Java KeyStore formats,
e.g. system-tests/resources/vault/company1
. These were generated using the following commands:
# generate a private key
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out private-key.pem
# generate corresponding public key
openssl ec -in private-key.pem -pubout -out public-key.pem
# create a self-signed certificate
openssl req -new -x509 -key private-key.pem -out cert.pem -days 360
Generated keys are imported to keystores e.g. system-tests/resources/vault/company1/company1-keystore.jks
. Each
keystore has password test123
KeyStore Explorer can be used to manage keystores from UI.
local instances use a file-system based vault and its keys are managed using a java properties file
File system vault is NOT a secure vault and thus should only be used for testing purposes
Web DIDs are available under system-tests/resources/webdid
folder. The publicKeyJwk
section of each did.json
generated by converting the corresponding public key to JWK format, for example company1 connector public key was
converted to JWK using following command:
docker run -i danedmunds/pem-to-jwk:1.2.1 --public --pretty < system-tests/resources/vault/company1/public-key.pem > key.public.jwk
Like running tests against embedded services we can run tests against an MVD that uses actual cloud resources, such as Azure Keyvault or Azure Blobstore.
For that, we need to rebuild the project so that it does not use the filesystem-based vault:
./gradlew shadowJar
Next, we need to create cloud infrastructure that'll be used by our 3 connectors. Please navigate to deployment/azure
For that, we've created a script called
that will take care of creating cloud infra and
setting up our connector configuration files.
Important: for the next steps you'll need certain environment variable set up, otherwise the script will fail!
Please refer to this guide on how to set up your
Azure subscription for CI/CD. The easiest way is to configure and run the Terraform package as described there. Once
that is done,
simply source the env-vars
cd <project-root>/resources/setup_azure_ad
terraform init # <-- described in the guide
terraform apply # <-- described in the guide
source env-vars
that will export all relevant environment variables in the current shell and make them available for
script. To verify that, simply echo $ARM_CLIENT_ID
and that should print out a GUID.
Note: you will need admin rights in the Azure subscription for this!
Once the subscription is prepared, i.e. all the correct permissions are set, app IDs are created, etc. we can execute
the script. Navigate back to <project-root>/deployment/azure
and run
The script will perform these essential steps:
- generate asymmetric keypairs for every dataspace participant and the registration service
- create a Terraform backend configuration
- create a Terraform variable file (`*.tfvars)
- initialize and run Terraform (this creates the infra)
- generate
files for every participant and the registration service
Just like in the previous chapter we start up our dataspace
using docker-compose
. One small difference is that seeding is now done with a separate script instead of inside
another docker container. The reason for this is easier traceability and debuggability.
cd <project-root>/deployment/azure
docker-compose docker/docker-compose.yaml --build --wait
To run the tests, simply replicate the steps from the chapter about the embedded services:
cd <project-root>
./gradlew :system-tests:test -DincludeTags="ComponentTest,EndToEndTest"
The last command will push master data (policies, assets) and VerifiableCredentials to the participants, and then register them one after the other with the registration service.
This step assumes there is still the terraform.tfvars
and backend.conf
file present from the setup step. If that is
not the case simply re-run the
script again. If all the cloud resources are still there, it
won't create new ones.
To stop the docker containers and destroy all cloud resources, simply execute:
cd <project-root>/deployment/azure
Follow the instructions in the previous sections to run an MVD with a consumer (company2
) and provider (company1
locally using docker-compose.
Once running, you can use a Java debugger to connect to the consumer (company2
, port 5006) and provider (company1
port 5005) instances. If you are using IntelliJ you can use the provided "EDC company1", "EDC company2" or "EDC
company3" runtime configurations to remote debug the connector instances.
Alternately, when running MVD with cloud resources, you could use
the generated *.env
files located in deployment/azure/docker/
as launch
configuration EnvFiles in Intellij run one or multiple participants
directly from your IDE.
A postman collection can be used to issue requests to an MVD instance of your choice. You will need to adapt the environment variables accordingly to match your target MVD instance.