Get the Human readable size of the file. It is purely written in dart and support both number and string as parameters.
getSize(string or number, {PrecisionValue}): returns String
- Direct Method Call
FileSize.getSize(1000) '1.00 KB'
FileSize.getSize(1048576) '1.04 MB'
FileSize.getSize(1073741824) '1.00 GB'
FileSize.getSize(1099511627776) '1.00 TB'
- Method call with PrecisionValue [Optional]
FileSize.getSize(664365320, PrecisionValue.THREE) "633.588 MB"
FileSize.getSize(4324324232343, PrecisionValue.FOUR) "3.9321 TB"
- Method call without decimal value
FileSize.getSize(664365320, PrecisionValue.NONE) "633 MB"
FileSize.getSize(4324324232343, PrecisionValue.NONE) "3 TB"
getKiloBytes(string or number, {PrecisionValue}): returns String
FileSize.getKiloBytes(54613) '54.61 KB'