TiendaNube API Python Client.
Just pip install tiendanube
Query list of products:
> api_key = 'API_KEY' > from tiendanube.client import NubeClient > client = NubeClient(api_key) > store = client.get_store(1) > [ for p in store.products.list()] [u'Mi primer producto', u'Probando publicaci\xf3n', u'hola', u'Producto de Prueba']
Query one product in particular:
> api_key = 'API_KEY' > from tiendanube import NubeClient > client = NubeClient(api_key) > store = client.get_store(1) > p = store.products.get(911) > u'Mi primer producto'
Query images for a given product:
> api_key = 'API_KEY' > from tiendanube import NubeClient > client = NubeClient(api_key) > store = client.get_store(1) > p = store.products.get(911) > [i.src for i in p.images.list()] [u'']
Add a product to the store:
> api_key = 'API_KEY' > from tiendanube import NubeClient > client = NubeClient(api_key) > store = client.get_store(1) > p = store.products.add({ "name": {"es": "My new product"} })
Update a product on the store:
> api_key = 'API_KEY' > from tiendanube import NubeClient > client = NubeClient(api_key) > store = client.get_store(1) > p = store.products.update({ "id":123, "name": {"es": "My AWESOME product"} })
Running tests:
$ python -m