A shared library containing recurring features & utilities for .NET MAUI applications
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Please find a list of available content below.
This Behavior
executes a Command
when the specified Event
is fired.
Minimum="0" Maximum="{Binding LimitFan}"
Command="{Binding SetFanCommand}"
This Converter
converts a Boolean
into a reverse and non-reverse visibility (if value
is true
, it returns false
Style="{StaticResource SmallLabelStyle}"
TextColor="{DynamicResource Error}"
Text="{x:Static localization:Strings.NotAvailableDots}"
IsVisible="{Binding HasDoubleExtruder, Converter={StaticResource BooleanReverseVisibilityConverter}}"
This Converter
converts a byte[]
into an Image
Margin="{OnIdiom Phone='-4,0', Tablet='-62,0', Default='-4,0'}"
Source="{Binding Thumbnail, Converter={StaticResource ByteArrayToImageConverter}}"
<Style TargetType="Image">
<Setter Property="Aspect" Value="AspectFit"/>
Binding="{Binding IsPortrait}"
<Setter Property="Aspect" Value="AspectFill"/>
This Converter
converts a Color
into Colors.White
or Colors.Black
. This helps to get the
accurate oreground
for a colored Background
Background="{Binding HexCode, Converter={StaticResource StringToColorConverter}, Mode=OneWay}"
Text="{Binding HexCode}"
TextColor="{Binding Source={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type Border}}, Path=Background, Converter={StaticResource BrushToBlackWhiteConverter}, Mode=OneWay}"
Style="{StaticResource LabelStyle}"
This Converter
converts a Double
into a TimeSpan
LineBreakMode="WordWrap" Margin="2,10,0,10"
FontSize="{OnIdiom Tablet=14, Default=12}"
<Style TargetType="Label" BasedOn="{StaticResource TitleViewHeadlineLabelStyle}">
<Setter Property="IsVisible" Value="False"/>
<BindingCondition Binding="{Binding IsPrinting, Mode=TwoWay}" Value="True"/>
<BindingCondition Binding="{Binding ShowRemainingPrintTimeInTitleView}" Value="True"/>
<Setter Property="IsVisible" Value="True"/>
<Span Text="("/>
<Span Text="{Binding RemainingPrintTime, Converter={StaticResource DoubleHoursToTimeSpanConverter}}"/>
<Span Text=")"/>
This Converter
converts a List<string>
into a single String
with the defined separator char.
This Converter
converts a long
into a Double
. The result wil be in GigaBytes.
This Converter
converts a long
into a Double
. The result wil be in MegaBytes.
This Converter
converts a String
(hex formated string) into a Color
This Converter
converts a Double
(UNIX based) into a DateTime
LineBreakMode="WordWrap" Margin="2,10,0,10"
FontSize="{OnIdiom Tablet=14, Default=12}"
<Span Text="("/>
<Span Text="{Binding CurrentDateTime, Converter={StaticResource UnixDateToDateTimeConverter}}"/>
<Span Text=")"/>
This Converter
converts a Double
(UNIX based) into a TimeSpan
LineBreakMode="WordWrap" Margin="2,10,0,10"
FontSize="{OnIdiom Tablet=14, Default=12}"
<Span Text="("/>
<Span Text="{Binding RemainingPrintTime, Converter={StaticResource UnixDoubleHoursToTimeSpanConverter}}"/>
<Span Text=")"/>
This Converter
converts a Uri
into a String
namespace AndreasReitberger.Shared.Core
This Class
contains all needed properties for a ViewModel. You can inherit from this Class directly for your ViewModel,
or create an own ViewModelBase and inherit there form this class.
public partial class BaseViewModel : ViewModelBase
#region Properties
#region App
bool _isBeta = SettingsStaticDefault.App_IsBeta;
public new bool IsBeta
get { return _isBeta; }
set { SetProperty(ref _isBeta, value); }
bool _isLightVersion = SettingsStaticDefault.App_IsLightVersion;
public bool IsLightVersion
get { return _isLightVersion; }
set { SetProperty(ref _isLightVersion, value); }
bool _isTabletMode = false;
public bool IsTabletMode
get { return _isTabletMode; }
set { SetProperty(ref _isTabletMode, value); }
#region Navigation
bool _isViewShown = false;
public bool IsViewShown
get { return _isViewShown; }
set { SetProperty(ref _isViewShown, value); }
#region Connection
bool _isConnecting = false;
public bool IsConnecting
get { return _isConnecting; }
set { SetProperty(ref _isConnecting, value); }
#region Constructor
public BaseViewModel()
#region LiveCycle
public void OnDisappearing()
if (SettingsApp.SettingsChanged)
// Notify other modules
MessagingCenter.Send(new AppMessageInfo(), AppMessages.OnSettingsChanged.ToString());
SettingsApp.SettingsChanged = false;
catch (Exception exc)
// Log error
This Class
uses Newtonsoft.JSON in order to serialize and deserialize objects to strings and vice reverse.
This is helpful if you want to store Collections or custom objects in the MAUI.Preferences (Settings).
// Convert to a String
SettingsApp.WebCam_DefaultWebCamSettings = JsonConvertHelper.ToSettingsString(value);
// Convert back to an object
ObservableCollection<KlipperWebCamSettingsInfo> webcams = JsonConvertHelper.ToObject(SettingsApp.WebCam_Settings, new ObservableCollection<KlipperWebCamSettingsInfo>());