- Simple project to brush up on my ASP.NET MVC5 skills and learn some new concepts.
- I created an ASP Web Forms project in the past, which is basically has the models of MVC, but no VC.
- Since I only had expierence with Web Forms, I wanted to properly learn MVC5
- Pretty much every related to Entity Framwork (EF)
- Code First with EF
- Database first with EF
- Database Migrations
- Razor syntax
- Brush up on MVC concepts
- Brush up on ASP.NET sessions and account management
- Be competent enough with MVC5 to put it on my resume
- I am quite competent with CSS, especially with bootstrap, so I didn't bother using it much here
- A good UX
- I am here just to learn MVC5 concepts enough so that I can put it on my resume